“Ben Wiltshire added: “46 minutes into the Fulham powercut and things are desperate, there’s quinoa all over the floor and no-one can find the maid to clean it up.”And journalist Guy Adams wrote: “There is a power cut here in Fulham. The cause is being investigated but our engineers worked as quickly and as safely as possible on rerouting supplies via other cables. Milliband. Engineers are on the way and we currently estimate 10pm for a fix.”Barons Court and West Kensington London Underground stations were temporarily closed. The tension was palpable on Saturday (Feb 2) evening as The Whites found themselves bravely keeping the league leaders at bay when all of a sudden, moments before half-time, the lights went off. #fulham #powercutDid someone put Milliband in government already?
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Battery dying. A spokeswoman for Hammersmith and Fulham Council, which is assisting, said loss of power ‘could last for some time’. I think the engineer must have thought Ed Miliband was PM already...Did someone put Milliband in government already? I'm scaredCan the lights come back on the Fulham Road already.
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#fulham #powercutBig power cut in Fulham. Everyone in the road having a little natter and some tea.
Massive power cut. Emergency confit may be needed. I’m very concerned that the Gressingham duck I bought may defrost. It’s fortunate there were no accidents on the roads because without traffic lights it was dangerous for pedestrians.
We appreciate how difficult it can be to lose power and apologise for the inconvenience caused by this incident. It's official. US Govt Shutdown. Thanks Mr P!Power cut, quick eat all the cornetttos in the freezer!Power cut, quick eat all the cornetttos in the freezer!Conspiracy theories as to who to blame for #fulham #powercut 1. A huge chunk of west London was plunged into almost complete darkness Picture: MPSintheskyTube passengers in west London were affected by the power cut Picture: Nigel HowardThe shots taken above Fulham and West Kensington show almost total darkness above an area of west London Picture: MPSintheskyReally bad situation: Asad Ahmad, owner of a convenience store in North End RoadA traffic light taken out in west London by the power cut Picture: Nigel Howard Thanks Mr P!Fulham power cut and low on vino, had to resort to emergency supply of pudding wine.
Time to tell the kids all about life in the 1970s and the danger of another Labour government.”Jack Layer said: “Powercut in Fulham.
Hammersmith and Fulham Council said this morning it was advised by the Met Police at 7.50pm of a major power cut affecting parts of Fulham and West Kensington. lolKeep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter!California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.Reporting on what you care about.
Massive power cut. If you want to report a power cut call... 105.
The cause is being investigated but our engineers worked as quickly and as safely as possible on rerouting supplies via other cables. Discovered we don't own a torch.Blitz Spirit in Fulham tonight due to massive power cut across most of Fulham.
Traffic lights were also out and police were called to major junctions as long tailbacks built up on local roads. Check if you have a power cut or outage in Fulham using the online power cut checker from UK Power Networks today. This is why we have been stock piling @TheWhiteCompany scented candles!Just to jump on the bandwagon...#fulham #powercut.
The world is over and out #blackoutThe whole of parsons green has gone through a monumental power cut. Just trying to cross the road was terrible with cars coming from everywhere.”Dozens of police were rushed onto the streets to “increase reassurance” for residents, Scotland Yard said last night. I'm scaredPower cut in SW6... Jo Malone candle sales have soaredPower cut in SW6... Jo Malone candle sales have soaredThink the air over Fulham will be overwhelmed by scented candles now!Think the air over Fulham will be overwhelmed by scented candles now!There's a power cut in SW6. Our favourites: Local MP Greg Hands wrote: “Power cut in my part of Fulham. Restored power cut.
People living in Barons Court, Fulham and West Kensington were affected by the power failure since 8pm this evening. Hammersmith and Fulham Council said this morning it was advised by the Met Police at 7.50pm of a major power cut affecting parts of Fulham and West Kensington.
DARKNESS fell on Craven Cottage at the weekend as a power cut brought Fulham's game against Manchester United to a standstill. “There was a huge line of cars stretching back as far as I could see.“After a while they stopped the buses completely and police had to come and direct traffic to keep things moving.”Asad Ahmad, owner of a convenience store in North End Road, said: “It was really bad, people didn’t know what was going on. I think the engineer must have thought Ed Miliband was PM already...A brief power cut in #Fulham this evening. Discovered we don't own a torch.Epic power cut in Fulham.
3. The zombie apocalypse has arrived. #powercut#fulham #powercut - bit of an extreme publicity stunt to promote #MIC6 don't you think... #MadeInChelsea6 #JustInChelsea#fulham #powercut - bit of an extreme publicity stunt to promote #MIC6 don't you think... #MadeInChelsea6 #JustInChelseaThe whole of parsons green has gone through a monumental power cut.
{{#singleComment}}{{value}} Comment{{/singleComment}}{{^singleComment}}{{value}} Comments{{/singleComment}} Emergency confit may be needed.
Surely there'd be goals.
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