A peaceful sit-in was held Sunday morning at the Aliquippa police station followed by a prayer vigil for Floyd. The protests continued this weekend, this time in Squirrel Hill and Oakland. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Saturday has become a day of protest in Pittsburgh for the Black Lives Matter movement and today was no exception. Hundreds gathered for a prayer and candle light vigil in the parking lot of the EastMinster Church. A group of about 150 protesters were seen spray painting the roads with messages like “I can’t breathe" and “Black lives matter” across from the courthouse. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Calls for the protection of Black workers echoed off the buildings in the city’s Oakland section Monday morning. Several marked and unmarked police cars keep driving around protestors We are closing Steel Plaza Station. "At the rally, Trump told supporters he intends to bring back the region's steel and coal industries. And you know... he's very strong and he's for the people, the working people. Walmart issued the following statement Sunday night:Group has now moved onto Liberty Avenue. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Calls for the protection of Black workers echoed off the buildings in the city’s Oakland section Monday morning. The group is now moving down Grant Street, according to Pittsburgh Public Safety.After painting the street in front of the CCB, protesters are on move again, down Grant Street and to intersection at 5th Ave.
As always, our first and primary concern is the safety of the City," Public Safety Director Wendell Hissrich said in a statement.The Pennsylvania primary will be held on April 26. PITTSBURGH -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made a stop in Pittsburgh on Wednesday for a pair of campaign events, one in Oakland and the other downtown. Get the latest breaking news delivered straight to your inbox.Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.
The group Black, Young, and Educated hosted another 'Civil Saturday' protest in Pittsburgh's Oakland neighborhood. Protesters feel many companies are not doing enough for their workers or giving Black employees the compensation they need during the pandemic.“COVID-19 has shown us that we are essential workers. … Peaceful protesters gathered around 3:00 at the intersection of Murray and Forbes Avenue. About 100 protesters gathered in Oakland, leading to the arrest of three individuals Wednesday night, according to the Pittsburgh Police Department.
The New Castle City Police Department would like to commend our community members who came out today for a peaceful...RIGHT NOW: Protestors are currently sitting in the middle of Grant Street. Before COVID 19 you never noticed us,” Kelley said.Protesters are demanding to see systemic racism broken up in the workplace. The protesters marched around downtown Pittsburgh for about three hours Sunday. OAKLAND (KDKA) – For two straight weeks, people across the area have been marching through the streets demanding an end to systemic racism and excessive force by police.
"He's not taking money from anyone," one woman waiting in line at the Convention Center told CBS Pittsburgh. The group Black, Young, and Educated hosted another 'Civil Saturday' protest in Pittsburgh's Oakland neighborhood.Demonstrators made their way along Forbes Avenue, Fifth Avenue and Bigelow Boulevard. Jul 20, 2020, 8:21am EDT A group called Black Workers Matter is holding a protest in Oakland to highlight the neighborhood's “Hypocrisy Alley” …
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