These actions are part of slowing the spread of the … Lot 11 – 170 Hollister For questions about parking enforcement or citations, please call (310) 458-8466. City Hall remains closed. Lot 8 – 1145 16 th St. Operating hours are:There are new parking options for Santa Monica residents with a valid preferential parking permit on display at no cost:The general public can continue to use these lots but must pay and follow posted hours of operation.Remember to practice safe physical distancing, including with parking staff. The enforcement action will take place at City parks, the Promenade, Main Street, Montana Avenue, and other business districts. "Save $100 and save your health by masking up," the tweeted on 8/5/20. The Traffic Services Unit of the Santa Monica Police Department works under the Special Enforcement Division and includes sworn and civilian personnel. Expired resident beach parking permits from February 2020 onward will be honored through May 1, 2020. UPDATE: All orders associated with the local COVID-19 emergency have been extended to April 30, 2020. SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Last night, City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Rick Cole signed additional supplements to his executive order proclaiming a local emergency to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).Cole’s revised first supplement to his executive order “The modifications to the eviction ban are particularly important for residents and businesses facing extreme economic hardship as a result of this health crisis that is compounding our existing housing crisis,” said City Manager Rick Cole. Parking staff are available to answer emails via and telephone calls (310-458-8295) and complete online services and requests for validations. These lots include:The following valid parking pass holders can still park in beach lots: Please note that no Senior Beach or Regular Beach access passes will be honored at this time. Comprehensive information on local response to the coronavirus is available at In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, California is providing one-time state-funded disaster relief assistance to undocumented adults who are ineligible for other forms of assistance, including assistance under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and pandemic unemployment benefits, because of their immigration status.This state funding is expected to reach about 150,000 … Parking restrictions in green zones have also been suspended. Every measure we’ve taken is aimed at protecting the community’s health and safety.As of Sunday, March 22, all Santa Monica beach parking lots remain closed to the general public. “In this time of crisis, we must do what we can to safeguard everyone, including our most vulnerable.”Cole’s revised fifth supplement to his executive order declaring a local emergency includes the following measures This is effective through April 15, 2020, unless extended or modified by further Executive Order or action of the City Council.COVID-19: Street sweeping will occur 8/3 – 8/7, citations will be issued based on street sweeping requirements. City Hall remains closed. All other parking regulations, including yellow curb zones, time limit zones not within a residential preferential parking zone, and parking meter fees and regulations, are being enforced.Questions may be directed to the Parking Office at COVID-19: Street sweeping will occur 8/3 – 8/7, citations will be issued based on street sweeping requirements. Renewal for these permits can be completed by contacting Beach lots will be staffed to provide access to these lots. Together, this Unit provides traffic and parking enforcement services to the City and its citizens. SANTA MONICA, Calif. – The City of Santa Monica continues to respond to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency in coordination with county and state public health authorities. There are new parking options for Santa Monica residents with a valid preferential parking permit on display at no cost: Lot 7 – 1217 Euclid St. No walk up counter services are available and parking for city meetings and events will not be provided at this time. Vehicle towing is suspended for abandoned vehicles, expired registration, and delinquent parking citations. A reminder that preferential parking rules in neighborhoods and street sweeping regulations have been suspended. For the latest visit or the COVID-19 hotline at 310-458-8400. All local emergency orders are available at
For the latest visit This change will go into effect Friday, March 20, 2020. For the latest updates on parking in Santa Monica during COVID-19, click here. Applications will launch on Tuesday, July 7. SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Last night, City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Rick Cole signed the City’s fourth supplemental emergency order suspending street sweeping and preferential parking regulations to better enable the Santa Monica community to stay at home during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency. Santa Monica Police will commence "targeted enforcement" of face coverings in Santa Monica beginning this week, the City announced in a press release. Guidance from LA County Department of Public Health and CDC call for the general public to use non-medical grade face coverings when out for essential supplies and services. Santa Monica is launching a COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance program to provide rental funds to eligible residents who demonstrate a loss of income or increase in expenses due to the COVID-10 pandemic.
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