Use a peroxide dip on all those frags and let the sea hare work on it elsewhere in the tank..My sea hare sits pretty still during the day/when it's not eating. Also, they eat a lot of types of algae, including some types of hair algae, but they aren't a good sole plan, since a lot of times they overgraze, and then starve subsequently, and then the algae comes back if the original cause of the problem isn't remedied. Because of the sheer size of our forum, we've been forced to limit selling and trading to members who've met a couple of criteria.
As herbivorous grazers, these animals need a constant food supply.'s a pic from a year ago of the stuff. By the pics and info. So if you do decide to add one to your tank, please have a good plan for what you want to do once they clean up your tank. Even with perfect care the sea hares are fairly short lived. Based on the size of the invertebrate alone, the minimum tank size to care for a sea hare at home should be about a 75-gallon tank. Sea hares may also release their toxin when they die, so a deceased animal should also be removed as soon as possible.
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It should be noted that this guide is about Dolabella auricularia, the one most popular in the trade for hair algae. Aplysia are burrowers, so a thick layer of sand for substrate is needed. In the wild, Once the eggs are laid, they will hatch in 10 to 12 days’ time. Cool-water sea hares should be kept between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and warm species between 72 and 78.
[color=#bed8f8][b]Aquarium Care[/b][/color]The Sea Hare prefers to forage for food in shallow areas of water with shaded areas of sea grass or coral rubble. Mid Ink. More about that later.As mentioned above, Aplysia sea hares are aggressive algae eaters and are often purchased for the purposes of cleaning up a problem algae infestation with hair algae or other notorious troublemakers.Keep in mind that an Aplysia sea hare can grow large quite quickly–which makes it even harder for you to grow enough algae to keep them fed. pandora's advice has been right on. I've found bryopsis is 'leafy'. Only one sea hare is recommended per aquarium. Unfortunately mine dissapeared after about 5 months - not terribly long lived.
Like I's pretty, but it's everywhere (and I'd rather get rid of it at this point) It's for sale on Live Aquaria and They sell the stuff and I'm trying to get rid of it!!! Sea hares are active animals and need the water oxygen content of at least 95 percent. If left alone the Sea Hare is simply an interesting herbivore that will gladly snack on Caulerpa and other similar vegetable items. Thank you. The Dolabella Sea Hare, Dolabella auricularia, also known as the Wedge Sea Hare, is one of the best algae-eaters in the home aquarium. Salinity should be kept between 30 and 36 parts per thousand.Introducing a sea hare to an established aquarium in which the other animals are docile is preferable. It has been 3 hours post acclimation and it has not moved. I floated the bag. But is that easily done? Seahorse fry as well as many other small mouthed sea critters love to feast on the motile free swimming larval forms. Think about that. What are your nitrates? I'm looking at buying one off Live Aquaria, but their information says that it is for experts only. Top Care Facts For The Sea Hare Dolabella (Dolabella auricularia) Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Herbivore Origin: Indo-Pacific Minimum Not all species emit toxins, but some do, so know exactly what you're getting. you intend to keep this animal in your tank, over the long run, you will most likely have to feed it daily with sheets of dried macroalgae, like nori, although some individuals might not take prepared/dried algae like that.Since sea hares like the dolabella are so adept at taking care of algae problems, some shops rent them out to help keep them properly fed and help aquarium owners get rid of problem algae.If your Aplysia or wedge sea hare has inked, then you need to act quickly to remove the substance from the water. If the next one doesn't live more than a week I am swearing them off for good. I looked up bryopsis on google and the pics I found of bryopsis are similar to the stuff I have, but not the same. Keeping sea hares is only recommended for advanced aquarists -- these animals can release a cloud of toxic ink with the potential to kill an entire aquarium ecosystem.Sea hares are highly sensitive to water quality, so the water conditions should be tested regularly. No one seems interested so I don't think it is dead... yet. Size: 12″ Diet: Filter Herbivore Origin: Indonesia Overview: This is an excellent choice for someone hoping to rid their tank of nuisance algae as they are very efficient eaters of many problematic species […] Partially open the bag and add 1 cup of tank water. A charcoal (activated carbon) filter should work, chemically speaking if you can get the water purified through the filter rapidly. (If you're seeing this message, you haven't met them yet.) Filter intakes and power filter heads should be shielded so the sea hare can't be sucked into them and killed. A pH between 8.1 and 8.4 with water hardness between 8 and 12 is ideal. The bryopsis pics I found seem to show it growing talller than mine. (all but one) I thought for sure it was the Hare. Tested sg which matched so I only driped for 30 min to help it get used to other parameters.No. Cool-water sea hares should be kept between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and warm species between 72 and 78. Sea hares are native to the Indo-Pacific ocean, so they pair well with animals from the same region.
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