The suspension of Unbundled storage sales will continue, until further notice, as a result of ongoing restrictions on the Aliso Canyon facility.
Each module is presented in a ledger which displays a message subject, author’s name, date posted, message text, and attachments that all ENVOY users can view. Informational Postings :: Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. <>
A posting may have up to three attached files. The information posted to this web site is provided solely for informational purposes.
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Critical; Non-Critical; Maintenance Outlook; Extended Deadlines; Rate Schedules; Storage Notices; Archived Maintenance Schedules; Affiliate Transactions; Questions and Answers; SDG&E Notices; Receipt Point Capacity .
Informational Postings Informational Postings are publicly shared resource of the most current information.
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020. As required by D.07-12-019, SoCalGas will post all storage transactions on its EBB within one business day of execution. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
General Messages are often viewed to keep abreast of many There are 3 Categories: Notices General Messages Tariff Information Most users refer to Notices for important and critical issues that may affect their scheduling decisions.
When we are able to reopen the program, we will post that information on our Envoy electronic bulletin board.Rates for this service are negotiated on an individual transaction basis based on current market conditions. endobj
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:�ځU�_�K.J&��A�!4�O�C�X���*Dk�@�k��`���S2S��|�K�k��d�BٗS�� L���"ͦ� Prerequisites for this service are an executed Master Services Contract (MSC) and an MSC Schedule O.As required by D.07-12-019, SoCalGas will post on a weekly basis at its Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB): net hub position, net volumes parked and loaned, withdrawal schedules for all hub volumes parked and repayment schedules for all hub volumes loaned.California Energy Hub conducts natural gas sales from a decommissioned natural gas storage field pursuant to CPUC Decision No.
?%�ӓ2#�:g�Jp~�����M�yrQ'��`N�0���?^$��r� !�r@x./����z��L���"�N��m��%���bD�>�'�>����TΚ���9��6HƮ���?�u�rW��B ��`�R��w�V�2_�:��!�@�-�Vp7�z�L��1�Ջgx�A�m�9M(XD��̯�}���! Pipelines may be located anywhere, including under streets and sidewalks, and on private property.
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Notices . 4 0 obj
Although Kern River has used reasonable efforts to assure its accuracy and timeliness, this information can be negatively impacted by delays or errors in electronic transfers, data entry, communication failures, or other causes. stream
01-06-081 dated June 28, 2001.SoCalGas has received CPUC authorization to engage in exploration and production activities for natural gas at its storage properties. 1.1 Descriptions of Informational Postings x��Zmo�F�n����b���$A �v��/m�;A?�2%��(7����٥�%����eiv�v^�jq��߯��}����l�_������~�}q��X->-7�����}���8O�ݜ�,��s���f}z��w�`�HL�3
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... ® 1998-2017 Southern California Gas Company. <>
The negotiated rate includes the transmission of natural gas between the city gate and the storage fields. This map shows the general locations of SoCalGas owned or operated Gas Transmission Pipelines and High Pressure (greater than 60 pounds per square inch) Gas Distribution Mains.
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Primary Storage Transactions; Secondary Storage Transactions; Interruptible Queue (ITQ) �.$�%�:�����HWO��P���a��:�KpW�N�P�V#u����@��L�F����( ��-*]a�VM��ˆ�5� �ʣ�n�v�t`���64��S�"���lk+&e���=jX�; h?
Horizon … These include natural gas storage, traditional hub services such as natural gas parking and loaning, natural gas storage, and natural gas sales from CPUC-authorized projects.On March 2, 2016 SoCalGas suspended Unbundled storage sales until further notice. California Energy Hub Informational Postings. Informational Postings . California Energy Hub® offers several services for Southern California's natural gas market. Arguelles; Comanche; ETC Katy; ET Fuel; ETC Texas; HPL; Lobo; Toggle navigation Quick Launch
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