A new study by Families USA found that more than 5.4 million...Scurvy, we all know, is a disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Female professional, Olympic, and National Collegiate Athletic Association athletes on July 29 sent a letter to the NCAA board of governors asking it to reject calls...The coronavirus may be changing the world, but there aren't many signs of the pandemic at the massive annual motorcycle rally being held this week at a small city along Interstate 90 in western South Dakota. BY IAN KREIDER For the Star Beacon Aug 3, 2020 The Ohio Department of Health released a temporary order over the weekend, mandating testing for contact sports. Ohio State will play host to Michigan on Oct. 24 and is scheduled to open its 2020 season on Thursday, Sept. 3, at Illinois, the Big Ten conference announced when it revealed its schedule Wednesday morning. Partly cloudy. But if you want to find a silver...Amid the coronavirus pandemic, about 20 percent of Harvard and Yale University students will not re-enroll at the Ivy League schools this fall. US-Navy veteran. Gretchen Whitmer lashed out at President Trump in a statement on Sunday after the president cut the enhanced federal unemployment benefit from $600 a week to $400 a week after Democrats in the House failed to make a...As states and school districts continue to change their back-to-school policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the national debate rages over in-person or virtual learning for instruction, some parents have taken their children’s education into their own hands. It took almost 200 years from the time a “lemon juice” cure for scurvy was discovered until it was promoted by the British government. Brother of David (Debbie) McKee. CONNEAUT — Bill Lipps calls his summer baseball team “the epitome of mediocrity.” The Ohio High School Athletic Association sent a memo to its member schools Tuesday night, which included a variety of updates, namely the decision to suspend contact sports scrimmages indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic. ANDOVER — The seventh inning did not exactly set up the way Scooters pitcher Tyler Cerjan or his Andover teammates had hoped during the start of the Pymatuning Area Wood Bat championship series on Tuesday night at PV High School. Less than a week ago, the idea of playing an in-county only fall sports schedule in Ashtabula County was abandoned because of schools’ obligations to their respective conferences. GENEVA [ndash] James "Jim" R. Hildebrand Sr., 67, passed 8/8/2020 at UH Geneva. This number is a total of the individual states' reporting, as collected by Whitmer Vetoes Bill Seeking to Give Health Care Workers Immunity during COVID-19 PandemicOne of President Donald Trump’s biggest supporters inside Silicon Valley is acting behind the scenes to rescue TikTok’s U.S. operations while the president considers the app’s future, according to recently published media reports. The president's initial hopes for the event to be a four-day promotion for his...COVID-19 has delivered an occasional silver lining in the economic clouds troubling America. MI Star provides unbiased updates on Investigative Reports, Thoughtful Opinion, Sports, Lifestyle. The scene Saturday at...Some school districts are having a difficult time accounting for thousands of devices that were sent home with students this spring to participate in distance learning programs during COVID-19 shutdowns. An email sent to Harvard students from Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Claudine Gay...The National Basketball League Board of Governors announced plans Thursday to give $300 million over the next decade towards a new foundation supporting economic opportunities for black communities. It was the final game for Conneaut and Valley of the Northeast Ohio Baseball League during the summer season.
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