Cello 6S Water – Delivering commercial and industrial Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions with exceptional data integrity.Meter reads, profile data and user consumption alarms are automatically transmitted over 2G and 3G networks to a host computer or data centre at regular intervals providing a cost effective AMI solution.Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) / Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) allows end users and water utilities to accurately monitor usage on a daily basis via regular consumption data and daily meter readings. In the event of an alarm, Cello
Cello 4C is a fully integrated GSM/GPRS data logger, with optional external battery or power options to enable frequent data transmission and/or logging rates. A 5 year warranty for the Cello hardware. Passer au contenu. /Type /Pages
Our slogan is "Your reliable partner”. 2 0 obj 3 0 obj /Pages 3 0 R /Author (sthomas) Cello 6S Water – Delivering commercial and industrial Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions with exceptional data integrity. @ 8 1 > @ ? Cello 6W - ? Read more; Regulo – SMS/GPRS Electronic PRV Controller. We don't want to have a large team, we want to have a team that works in unity.
Document Includes RF Exposure Info Cello 6 v2 FCC MPE Calculation. /Producer (GPL Ghostscript 8.15) Cello 6W - SMS/GPRS Meter Reader The Cello 6 Meter Reader is compatible with most types of water meters. /Subtype /XML With an built-in 5 year battery it is ideal for pressure testing as well as flow meter monitoring. It uses the GSM communications network to transmit indices (meter readings) and consumption profiles to a host server at user defined intervals. Sites de surveillance à distance de l'enregistreur de données Cello 4S, informations enregistrées transmises sur 2G ou 3G. Read more; Cello 6 V3 – GSM/GPRS Water Meter Reader. /Creator (Adobe Acrobat 9.3.0\(Infix\)) Flexible access for customers to WaterCore, our online data presentment and analytics system which provides data downloads in Excel format. /Kids [6 0 R 7 0 R] Meter readings are remotely transmitted on a frequent basis. /ICNAppName (Infix) Demander un rappel À propos de nous. Pc To Logger Programming Cable , Find Complete Details about Pc To Logger Programming Cable,Technolog Cello Modulo Regulo Metrolog from Other Communication & Networking Modules Supplier or Manufacturer-BACH VIET TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION @ 8 1 > @ ? %PDF-1.4 stream Home / Product. AMR/AMI devices can be connected to pulse enabled fiscal & non-fiscal water meters in industrial and commercial applications. It uses the GSM communications network to transmit indices (meter readings) and consumption profiles to a host server at user defined intervals.
Détection des transitoires de pression. /PageLabels <>
Cello 4c is a fully integrated GSM/GPRS data logger, with optional external battery or power options to enable frequent data transmission and/or logging rates. It uses the GSM communications network to transmit indices (meter readings) and consumption profiles to a host server at user defined intervals. Daily alarm thresholds can be enabled to identify unusual consumption profiles.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The meter readings and profile data can be sent to Technolog’s secure, robust and versatile Oracle Database System, to the user’s own PC running Technolog’s proprietary ‘PMAC Plus’ software or to any Technolog hosted website.The Cello 6 Meter Reader is compatible with most types of water meters. > A @ 5 4 A B 2 > < SMS/GPRS TECHNOLOG “”., ., 17 452 / : +7 (343) 237-74-14 Email: sales@nto-res.com Internet: www.nto-res.com /Count 2 We offer a range of Battery Powered Flow & Pressure Products.
TECHNOLOG. Home / Product. Can be provided with Optional PSTN Modem. Read more; Cello 6W – SMS/GPRS Meter Reader. 4 0 obj No.5, Renzheng Rd., Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 30352, Taiwan (R.O.C.) /Length 2968 With a battery life for greater than 5 years the Newlog is an ideal logger for remote locations. Showing 1–8 ... Read more; Cello 4 – 8 Channel SMS/GPRS Data Logger. /Infix <> /ShowGrid false /ShowGuides false /SnapToGrid false /UserRestrictions Technolog Cello 6W AMR device which is fully compatible with standard pulse enabled meters.
Product-Search. Cello 6W - SMS/GPRS Meter Reader The Cello 6 Meter Reader is compatible with most types of water meters. TEL:886-3-5972527 FAX:886-3-5978845 TECHNOLOG. It uses the GSM communications network to transmit indices (meter readings) and consumption profiles to a host server at user defined intervals. Les organismes de bienfaisance que nous soutenons; Solution de bout en bout. 77 0 R >> The Metrolog has a 2 line Backlit LCD screen which is light activated to save battery life. The Technolog Cello is a family of GSM data logging devices for water and gas applications. 42 Truong Son, 2 Ward, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City English. The Technolog Newlog is a universal data logger with 8 channel capability. /PXCViewerInfo (PDF-XChange Viewer; [V5];Apr 18 2012;19:12:42;D:20120702101402+05'00')
/Rotate 0 The meter readings and profile data can be sent to Technolog's secure, robust and versatile Oracle Database System, to the user's own PC running Technolog's proprietary 'PMAC Plus' software or to any Technolog hosted website. >> Read more; Cello 6W – SMS/GPRS Meter Reader. Meter reads, profile data and user consumption alarms are automatically transmitted over 2G and 3G networks to a host computer or data centre at regular intervals providing a cost effective AMI solution. /ICNAppVersion (5.20) It uses the GSM communications network to transmit indices (meter readings) and consumption profiles to a host server at user defined intervals. /Title (DS_J79000A.pdf)
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