The federal government should establish its own clean energy trajectory, which will unlock vast quantities of private capital for the many large-scale wind and solar projects which are shovel-ready. Scaling up investment in offshore wind has been achieved through a market mechanism known as "contracts for difference", whereby developers compete at auction for contracts which guarantee a fixed price for the electricity that they produce over a 15-year period - providing the necessary stability to mobilise private capital with low financing costs and to drive competition and innovation. The strong connection they enjoy with their audience is based on the trust they have in us to provide relevant news and information. As our Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the Petersberg Climate Dialogue last month, successive Conservative governments in the UK have demonstrated that cutting emissions is not at odds with economic growth. There is huge potential for natural carbon capture in Australia too, from which species threatened by habitat loss, like the iconic koala, could also benefit.Both the UK and Australia have experienced first-hand the consequences of a more hostile climate.
I hope both our countries seize this opportunity. 2,555,000 The Canberra Times has delivered quality, independent journalism to the people of the national capital since 1926, in print, online, via their smartphone and, now, iPad.
Source: Neilsen DC | Dec 2018. Total Monthly Readership – Combined Print & DigitalMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Meanwhile, we watched in horror as bushfires tore through Australia, destroying As prudent stewards of our nations' finances, it should be axiomatic for conservatives that investing in climate action now makes economic sense, rather than bequeathing a much larger bill to future generations who would suffer the consequences of our inaction. Canberrans consider their city one of Australia’s best-kept secrets – worldly, smart and changing fast. There is huge potential for natural carbon capture in Australia too, from which species threatened by habitat loss, like the iconic koala, could also benefit. Classified rates are per column cm (CCM) Source: Neilsen DC | Dec 2018. 1,239,000
Green investments offer a route to a more sustainable, productive, and resilient future.
As both our governments seek to reboot our economies, both nature restoration and the development of clean technologies provide great opportunities to reduce emissions while also generating jobs and growth. Online Discussion Terms & Conditions. A further expansion of offshore wind capacity, and the establishment of new auctions for less-established technologies such as floating offshore wind, could help power a clean recovery from COVID-19 in the UK. As both our governments seek to reboot our economies, both nature restoration and the development of clean technologies provide great opportunities to reduce emissions while also generating jobs and growth.In the early part of this year, the UK was submerged by winter floods, culminating in the wettest February on record. Prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, both the UK and Australia had been grappling with the devastating effects of another crisis: climate change.
READ MORE: It has been encouraging to see that Australia's three Liberal state governments, in South Australia, NSW and Tasmania, are already leading the way in renewable energy. You're using the new tributes experience Tell us what you think.
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