LOVE THESE PEOPLE!! He is rather youthful in appearance when compared to most of the other members. When news gets back from Castle Oblivion, he seems to be glad that she has died, showing that even he can be a bit cruel and crass without a heart. "Dude!" Also Luxord's card? He is also cowardly, running from many encounters, including ones with Hades and Sora; and in Due to his very laid-back personality, Demyx is on good terms with both Demyx harbors a strong dislike for Larxene, calling her a witch. xD. Demyx Time 7 Season 1, Episode 7 [[file:|250px]] Written by JenxtheJinx Episode guide Previous Demyx Time 6 Next Demyx Time 8 Demyx seems to dislike working as much as he dislikes fighting; he even goes so far as to manipulate Roxas, dumping his missions on the younger Nobody and going off to have fun. Exasperated, Saïx gives him permission to do as he wishes—so he goes to hide in the castle's kitchen, where Sora's group runs into him anyway. Last time we saw him he was delivering the vessel for Roxas to Ienzo. 6 comments. The ball creates a watery explosion that knocks enemies back and deals water damage. Liebe THESE PEOPLE!! DemyxXDema I LOVE AXEL'S SHOES!!!!!>:3. He runs from many encounters, including ones with Hades and Sora, and in Despite his laid-back personality and his tendency to sit around, Demyx seems to be on good terms with both Axel and Xigbar, calling Xigbar, "Xiggy" and is often shown talking to him in the Grey Area, and though Axel and Roxas talk about him behind his back, Axel does defend him after Roxas comments that Demyx doesn't do anything, Axel stating that Demyx specializes in recon. Demyx is the first to mention the annihilation of Org… added by Lolly4me2. He complains that he isn't a fighter and even considers sweat gross, preferring to stay at The Castle That Never Was or at least be given a reconnaissance mission.When he is on missions that require him to engage opponents, Demyx has shown to go about them in a carefree manner. Nocturnal Poem), is the ninth member of Organization XIII and an antagonist in the Kingdom Hearts video game series. Demyx at first only summons "forms" of water— shaped into himself and musical notes, which then attacked Sora, Demyx confronts Sora later in Hollow Bastion during the A memory of the Organization XIII members that appeared before Sora in Hollow Bastion can be seen during Riku's dive into Sora's heart.
During Demyx's Final Limit, Demyx releases a large ball of water while jamming out on his sitar. Demyx does use one move using his sitar as a weapon, but it does little damage to Sora. As a Nobody, Demyx lacks a heart and is therefore incapable of feeling emotions. In his final battle against Sora however, he displays a side previously unseen, fighting Sora with a ferocity and wildness most unlike his 'usual' character.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is a lazy and irresponsible member of the Organization who wields a sitar in battle, using it to manipulate water and command it in his favor. Catchphrase: Stop!Demyx Time! His sitar is rarely used as a weapon but is most often used to play his music instead. And you know what I really like? From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki: A world of information not accessible by Gummiship Demyx's hair has an odd mullet-like style, and he has several individual bangs that fall over his face. His cries in battle after being hit are also more characteristic of "yelps" than those of the other members, and are exclamations rather than reactions. And Du know what I really like? He is sent after Sora on suggestion by Xigbar to find him and "Although Sora doesn't understand the meaning of Demyx's objectives, nor why Demyx calls him Roxas, Demyx is unable to fulfill them and took the next ordered step, which is to attack Sora. His black gloves and boots are mostly similar to that worn by other members. On an unknown world, Demyx's original persona became a On Xigbar's suggestion, he is sent to the Olympus Coliseum in order to find Sora and either push him along the path Organization XIII wish him to take, or try to awaken Roxas. When he is defeated, however, he screams in agony and defeat, holding his head, and whimpers as he fades back into darkness. He doesn't hesitate to read his orders aloud off of cue cards in front of Sora nor does he hesitate to complain about his distaste for fighting. He has cyan eyes and dirty-blond hair, the latter of which is quite distinctive due to its shape. His cries in battle after being hit are also more characteristic of "yelps" than those of the other members and are exclamations rather than reactions. Demyx contacts Demyx is unable to stay focused when Sora later infiltrates the castle, and in fondness for Roxas, feebly protests against Saïx's orders to execute Sora and his friends. - Xemnas; Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Demyx; Digital Piracy Is Evil: A variation in Episode 12: when Headmaster Xemnas is showing the school inspector around Oblivion High, they happen upon Xigbar trying to order tickets for his entire class to see Toy Story 3 in 3D, and even asking if they can have a video camera during the show. He runs from many encounters, including ones with Hades and Sora, and in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, he refuses to go searching for … A Vlog Series on youtube about the hijinks of Alternate Character Interpretation versions of Demyx, Axel and other members of Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts.
Yet when he is defeated, he lets out a cry of despair and disbelief, holding his head, and whimpering as he fades back into darkness. That their not afraid to go out in public wearing their cloaks! So, he carries an enormous With it, he can cause water to take the form of people and musical notes, making them "dance" to his music. He can be a formidable foe due to his ability to summon water clones that must be defeated within a time limit.
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