It looks like making excuses for racist friends or family members, particularly older ones because “it was another time then” or “they’re just a product of their generation”.It looks like George Floyd murdered in the streets and still saying nothing — or, worse, saying the wrong things. This is our lives.I don’t know everything — about social justice or anything else. It looks like seeing someone of color treated differently and saying nothing. Drawing attention to looting and rioting without ever condemning ongoing police brutality against BIPOC. I've been coming across the statement lately but there's no clear explanation online. So, speak up. Political Anti-Trump Anti-Racism Consent Apparel / Political Equality for all Anti-Racist Clothing / Black Lives Matter shirt with a simple message. But if the idea of white privilege makes you uncomfortable and you get triggered, don’t get defensive. The owner of it will not be notified. I couldn’t see anything else. Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language.Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers.Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. Good. Our President responds with dog whistles and threats of violence against citizens. Okay well, the sayings meaning is about white people that see or hear about bad things happening to other races, usually African American people, yet they do not do or say anything about it and are afraid to speak on racism Thank you very much for your answers. Get uncomfortable. I reached for something to write about, but everything else seems unimportant right now.I’m a white person, speaking to other white people, and what I want to say is this: Don’t get defensive. It looks like saying their names and drawing attention to the issues without ever doing anything to create actual change.To be silent is to allow the status quo to continue — to choose white comfort and privilege over racial equality.I know that it’s easier (for us) to be silent. Be an ally by supporting their work. There’s a quote circulating that says it better than I ever could.Equal rights for others does not mean less rights for you. White silence is racial violence. Get uncomfortable. White feminism made sense to me. This journey took me further into areas of social justice. The very idea that anyone can stay comfortable while so many are suffering is an excellent example of White silence looks like hearing someone make a racist remark and saying nothing. Now I understand what the statement generally means from time to time, and also the meaning behind of it regarding with recent events. Once you realize that, the work becomes learning how to level the playing field so that everyone can have those benefits. White Silence is Compliance so be the woke white person brave enough to stand up to injustice and hate. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. The country is tearing itself apart while the world watches.This isn’t the introduction to a book. I know that you don’t want to believe it. Do not be the white bystander that stays sil… • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. I’m still learning as I go. White Silence Is Compliance: The Role Of White People In The Black Lives Matter Movement June 10, 2020 in United States by Katie Clarke (updated on June 10, 2020 ) Inherited privilege allows some men and women to accumulate influence, stature, and wealth, reinforcing beliefs of … It’s not pie. I discovered the importance of intersectional and inclusive feminism. I moved into feminist circles, but I kept it white. The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. This last one is uncomfortable for many white people. Protests and uprisings are covered by every major news outlets. But we are saying that you benefit from it. It’s not words scrolling across the screen of the next big action-packed blockbuster. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.
Good. But there are a few things I know for absolute certain.This last one is uncomfortable for many white people. No one is saying you should hate the color of your skin or apologize for it. The year is 2020. Borders are largely shut down due to the outbreak of a new and dangerous virus.
But don’t go to the front of the movement and try to gain the attention, taking it away from people whose experiences you can never fully comprehend. Speak to other white people about their privilege.
Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. My transition into social justice was slow.
Peaceful protesters are driven away with tear gas. It was far from comfortable as I Today, I wake up and sit down to write.
I know it hurts your feelings to think that you may be racist. The Black Lives Matter movement was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of the white man who … Get informed.Because white silence perpetuates violence.
It’s my job and what I do, but it’s also so much of who I am.
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