However, remember that this dog, and any other dog for that matter, will not appreciate being chained outside the house permanently as a full-time guard. The Boxer German Shepherd mix is an energetic dog.
In case of this particular mix, it helps that both parent breeds have a lot in common with regards to their behavior and temperament.Would you like to write for us? Exercise and Lifestyle The Boxer- German Shepherd mix will be very intelligent and active, which calls for an equally active lifestyle as well.
However, this does not mean that it doesn’t shed much.
You get the Boxer Shepherd, a dog that has a fine personality with striking good looks to go with it. In case he takes after the German Shepherd, ensure that you brush his coat regularly.► The Boxer Shepherd will have an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years.
What’s more, they may have darker face markings around the mouth and eyes.They tend to have the floppy ears of the boxer with a muzzle that is somewhere in between the Boxer and German Shepherd.The coat can vary but is frequently short like that of the Boxer but thicker and sometimes double coated like that of the German Shepherd.So, what does a Boxer German Shepherd mix look like? These dogs are also called the Australian Chow, as to not get mixed up with the German Shepherd Chow Chow mix. A man called George Alt bred a female Bullenbeisser with a local dog.This match produced a litter of puppies that included a fawn and white male that Alt named Lechner’s Box.
However, being part-Boxer, this dog can get a bit too playful, and may unintentionally scare children.The Boxer Shepherd can be a bit demanding when it comes to affection and attention, but rest assured, every moment you spend with your beloved pet will be worth it. Include your Boxer German Shepherd mix in all your activities, and you will have a friend that is dedicated to you for life.I love Boxers and my wife loves German Shepherds, so we are compromising on looking for a mix Boxer/German Shepherd. If you love the outdoors, are active and are happy to spend time playing and training your dog then this mischievous and outgoing dog may be perfect.Typically, the Boxer German shepherd mix has a short coat.
Not only that but both parent breeds are very smart.Mental exercise is as equally important as physical exercise as entertainment if you fail to provide any they are smart enough to find their own! The Boxer is known as a fun-loving and goofy breed whose charm has won the hearts of countless families, making them one of the 10 most popular breeds in the United States. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. He has the herding instincts of an Aussie but the playful boxing of the Boxer. The result of this practice is …
Weight: 50-90 lbs. This dog is tenacious and hardworking―traits that make him a very able working dog. Based on the size of both parent breeds, there is a very good chance that your Boxer Shepherd will grow up to be a fairly large dog, on average between 65 and 95 pounds.
Besides taking your dog on long walks everyday, make sure that you give him plenty of exercise in the form of running and playing.► Guard dogs like the German Shepherd and the Boxer do well when they forge a bond with their humans. However, once mature this mix breed is loyal and dedicated as well as steady yet protective of its family.If you want a dog to share your life fully, then this is it. Find mixed German Shepherd puppies and dogs from a breeder near you. Temperament-wise, all mixed breeds are observed to possess traits from both parents.If we are to capture the Boxer in one word, it has to be ‘amazing’. Read on to find out more about this hard-working yet playful dog.Before we look at the Boxer German Shepherd mix, let’s take a step back and look at the parent breeds.Breed history can give you a lot of information about your dog, including its likes, dislikes and energy levels.This is great knowledge to have as it provides useful clues as to whether your chosen breed is likely to fit in with your lifestyle.However, as most mix breed dogs have a much shorter history than the parents, it’s worthwhile looking at both the Boxer and German Shepherds past to gather useful information.So what can the Boxer and German Shepherd tell us about the Boxer German Shepherd mix?
Choosing a dog is an important process, and thought needs to go into whether the personality of your chosen breed will suit you and your family long term.Inviting a dog to share its life with you is a 10-15 year commitment so make sure you start off on the right foot and choose a breed that most closely matches your way of life.So how do you know whether the Boxer German Shepherd mix is the right dog for you? The German Shepherd’s natural reserve is softened by the Boxer’s outgoing personality.
The Chow Shepherd is like a fluffier brown Australian Shepherd with a bit more heft. Therefore, it is important for you to look into these aspects and review your decision before you bring this dog home.► In case you have children, always monitor their interactions with the Boxer Shepherd. ... Elmer is a sweet and lovable boxer mix. Smith County, Tyler, TX ID: 17-12-03-00009. With so many ‘designer’ dogs available you would be hard pushed not to find one that is suitable for you and your lifestyle. So despite a relatively easy to care for coat, needing a brush once a week be prepared for your dog to lose a fair amount of hair.
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