If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised Exit the farmhouse between 5am and 8:20am on a sunny day that isn't Sunday and isn't in winter. Depending on your response in this conversation and the two-heart event, she'll either thank you for listening or briefly get angry. Enter "I haven't named this one, yet. In the game, she is represented as an artist with a dream to support her life through creative endeavours. Às 12:00, depois de esculpir, ela vai desenhar perto do lago da floresta, no Armazém do Pierre ou, no verão, à praia. If you suggested an art show in her two-heart event, Leah is at your farmhouse door between 6 AM and 8 AM (except in winter) to invite you to her art show. You get to create delicious food for everyone! Leah is a girl who leaves alone, far from other villagers.
If you don't punch Kel, Leah does instead.
For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others. Leah thanks everyone, Lewis starts the bidding on the art pieces, and as the scene fades, her ex, Kel, can be seen to the side. You can give each villager one gift per day, up to two gifts per week, as indicated by the checkboxes in the social tab. If you do punch Kel, Leah says "That was pretty violent, (Name)." A menos que o jogador tenha dois corações de amizade com ela, ele não conseguirá entrar em sua casa.
If you suggested an art website in her two-heart event, enter Either way, an argument ensues. Leah wakes up at 10:00 AM every day.
Farming seems like a very rewarding profession. Leah asks you what style of portrait she should paint. Her expression is intentionally unclear... is she embarrassed, amused, pained? Finally, she thanks her special friend (you), who gave her the idea for the art show and the courage to go through with it. You can find her cottage outside of town.
Finishing the art show you can see an angry man/woman (depending on your character's gender) at the entrance of Pierre´s store, suggesting this person is Leah's Ex. She started out as an exercise in human anatomy, but I ended up seeing her through to completion.
Afterward, Leah says she's exhausted but that the show was a success. At 12pm, after sculpting, she often goes out to draw beside the pond in the woods, to Pierre's General Store, or sometimes to the beach in the summer. Cindersap Forest contains a large variety of Trees. Her home opens at 10:00 AM, but players must first acquire two hearts in Shown below are Leah's schedules prioritized highest to lowest.
On rainy mornings, Leah may offer you a gift she found while "mushroom-hunting": I don't make art for money. Todo dia Leah acorda às 10:00 e começa o dia esculpindo em sua casa. Leah takes you to find a more secluded spot and admits the picnic didn't quite pan out like she'd wanted it to. How to marry Leah in Stardew Valley Leah lives out her relaxed little life in her cabin south of your ranch. On rainy days in spring she goes to The Stardrop Saloon at 4pm. That seems kind of shallow, doesn't it?" She loves to spend time outside, foraging for a wild meal, or simply enjoying the gifts of the season. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG! Leah lives alone in a small cabin just outside of Pelican Town (south of your ranch). Each day Leah wakes up at 10:00am and begins the day sculpting in her cottage.
This log keeps track of gifts given, and gift preferences learned via Secret Notesand dialo… Leah at her usual spot below the jukebox at the saloonThe poll was created at 23:14 on October 2, 2018, and so far Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? She's a talented artist with a large portfolio of work, yet she's too nervous to display it to the public. She tells you that she's been thinking about the art show or is saving for a computer, depending on your choice in the previous event. ""No, but you would've been better off staying in the city. Cindersap Forest is the area located south of the Farm, and includes the Traveling Cart, the Wizard's Tower, the Abandoned House, Leah's Cottage, and Marnie's Ranch. Leah responds: "Hmm. ""Yeah, but it's natural to care about yourself first."
On the 16… "Hey,
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