The enlisted girls in the labor force were excerpted from New England farms, Lowell was known around the globe for its inventive solution.These young girls, expressing themselves daughters of Yankee farmers were persuaded to take up the jobs by the prospect of making their own money and supporting their families. The knowledge acquisition helped to increase the level of literacy amongst girls increasing the living standards in the society.The mills had a magazine ran and operated by the workers of the company which gave the girls a platform to express their voices and views. However, the workers had to be fairly intelligent to master the complicated machinery.The solution was to hire young women. Your privacy is extremely important to us. How did the Lowell Mills exploit and liberate women at the same time? The workers initially recruited by the corporations were daughters of New England farmers, typically between the ages of 15 and 35. To beguile more of the young girls into working, they promised that job opportunities would abase idleness until the girls were ready for marriage.Mill life was exceedingly daunting at first, the girls followed stringent working schedules marked by the ringing of bells. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Moreover, it was believed that textile work was easy hence suitable for women and at the same time serving to minimize idleness on young girls.Lowell, based in Massachusetts was the primary hub for textile manufacturing; for the period spanning 1820 to 1850; it provided young girls of New England with the panorama for economic prospect and personal growth (Robinson 67).This in essence was a very unique opportunity to that era, because women were supposed to play the passive role of helping with house chores but not to go in pursuit of jobs and employment. In the late 1830s, the housing rates for the female mill workers were raised, and they attempted to hold a strike, but it did not succeed. He was's first-ever history editor and has bylines in New York, the Chicago Tribune, and other national outlets. The women working in these mills were termed as female operatives but described themselves as mills girls asserting their dignity as factory workers (Nancy 102).In the year 1821, the Boston Associates bought a land located at Pawtucket Canal located north of the city of Boston, Massachusetts (Dubblin 72). One of the requirement for all the girls enlisted for work in the mills was good moral conduct, there was no room for immorality as this would foul the reputation of the industry.The girls working for the mills afforded the Lowell Mills associates with glut of their skill and labor a factor which caused the industry to blossom to be the most productive textile industry in America by the year 1948 (Dublin 87).
In comparison to other positions available for women, these jobs were highly paid and this allowed women to be economically independent a factor which not only changed their mind sets but also changed the societal perceptions on the girl child.Working at a Lowell textile mill gave young girls chance to explore their skills and abilities as they earned income. In the factory facility they were offered monthly wages, job opportunities and boarding facilities. ~ low wages, overwork in bad conditions, living quarters were tight ~ gave them the chance to be independent and provide money, work outside the home. Yet the magazine's very existence was seen as evidence of a positive work environment. In New England textile mills hon… Copyright © 2020 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream Technologies LLC, a company registered in Wyoming, USA. Unanswered Questions. In nutshell, Lowell mills both subjugated and enlightened women in ways unfamiliar to the reindustrialize opinionated economy.This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience.
... What is the significance of the Lowell Mills? This led to massive exodus of young girls into the big city to pursue economic acumen, where they worked tirelessly for six days, twelve hours a day. The Lowell Offering ceased publication in 1845 when tensions between the workers and the mill owners increased. The Lowell mill girls were young female workers who came to work in industrial corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States. Later in the nineteenth century, women formed a two-third of the overall labor force as immigrant women joined them to bloat the industry.Lowell mills associated structured a good working milieu ensuring that girls had three mills per day together with boarding facilities, not forgetting the monthly remunerations. Using the latest technology, he built a factory in Massachusetts which used water power to run machines that processed raw cotton into finished fabric.The factory needed workers, and Lowell wanted to avoid using child labor, which was commonly used in fabric mills in England. This research paper on Economical Significance of the Lowell Mills was written and submitted by your fellow student. The Lowell mills, textile mills in the village, employed farm girls who lived in company-owned boardinghouses. What if you wanted to earn some money that you could call your own?
Not only were the finished products sold locally, they were also exported for foreign trade a factor which enhanced higher profits and growth on the industry.The employment opportunity offered the young girls many opportunities for self improvement and learning since the mill afforded them well equipped libraries for reading and debating clubs for equipping them with insightful knowledge. Robert J. McNamara is a history expert and former magazine journalist. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must
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