Plagiarism, Inappropriate Collaboration, and Dishonesty in Exams By electing a decision by the AIC Administrator, students waive the right to a hearing before the Panel. Plagiarism To plagiarize is to use the work, ideas, images or words of someone else without attribution. At the discretion of the dean, the dean's office may initiate charges.4. The AIC Administrator also will report the complaint to the chair of the department in which the alleged violation occurred. The dean may affirm or modify the AIC Administrator's recommendation or remand the case with instructions for further action. Appeals will be reviewed by the Provost who may consult the written record of the case, the appeal request, and any person involved in the adjudication process or other appropriate party. Would you trust the structure's integrity? The academic community is bound by a fundamental trust that professors and students alike undertake and present their work honestly. A notation of the Code violation will be entered on the student's permanent record.e.
If the case results in a finding of “not responsible,” the file will be voided. As members of the academic community, students must become familiar with their rights and their responsibilities. At the end of the hearing, the Panel will meet in closed session and decide whether the student is responsible for the Code violation.j. Students Academic Integrity Code. The supporter’s role is limited to personal consultation. If the student is found responsible, the Panel will proceed to the sanction phase, at which point the AIC Administrator will disclose the student’s prior record of academic violations, if any.k. Students receiving a failing grade for a course due to a Code violation will not be eligible to receive Freshman Forgiveness for that course.1. With that freedom, however, comes the responsibility to uphold the high ethical standards of academic conduct. Academic Integrity Resource Page This page is intended to provide a brief overview of academic integrity at Michigan State University. The faculty member making the charge should be given the opportunity to be present or available to support the charge.g. In all cases, the faculty member is encouraged to consult with the AIC Administrator, who can provide guidance on the Code and can help evaluate and locate evidence of a possible violation.In all other circumstances, when the faculty member believes that a case may be due to purposeful dishonesty, the following procedures will be observed:a.
In cases where a combination of violations of academic and nonacademic regulations is alleged, students are subject both to the Academic Integrity Code and the Student Conduct Code.3. By registering as a student at American University, all students acknowledge their awareness of the code. It may also involve misrepresenting the Like any significant endeavor, learning and scholarship involve both individual and collective efforts. To advise the dean in evaluating certain charges and determining actions to be taken, each School or College has an Academic Code Review Panel ("Panel") with a minimum of two faculty and one student. Staff, students or others wishing to bring charges must identify themselves and work through the faculty member in whose course or academic activity the alleged Code violation has occurred. All Panel hearings will be closed to the public.c. A notation of the Code violation will be entered on the student’s permanent record.c. Violations Adjudicated under the Academic Integrity Code1. WCL has a separate Honor Code and process for handling academic misconduct.2. Subject: This policy defines honorable conduct, outlines attendant rights and responsibilities, and describes procedures for handling allegations of academic misconduct. In assigning a sanction, the dean will take into account the seriousness of the offense, the particular circumstances of the case, and the student’s class year (freshman, sophomore, graduate, and so on).
Participants who fail to do so may be subject to disciplinary charges.f. The dean or the AIC Administrator will notify the student in writing of the findings and sanction, if any. American University's The Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as "a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility." The dean may affirm, modify, or reject the Panel’s recommendation. Upon determining that a case should proceed to a Panel, the AIC Administrator will convene a Panel, convey the charge and the evidence, give guidance about the hearing process, and serve as a resource during the panel proceedings. Witnesses will be excluded from the hearing until testimony is to be presented. The dean's decision is final and may not be appealed unless the sanctions include a permanent notation to the student's academic record (III.C.2.b-d).The following procedures will be observed by the Academic Code Review Panel:a. The AIC Administrator will arrange a meeting as soon as possible. If both the student and the AIC Administrator agree, a preliminary meeting may proceed directly into the next phase of adjudication. Faculty members, however, may not submit grades for the work in question or for the course until the case has been adjudicated. Students are responsible for learning the conventions of documentation and acknowledgment of sources. Academic violations include, but are not limited to, the following categories. Voided files that are retained will be for administrative purposes.2. It is more than the standard of “preponderance of the evidence” and less than the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt.”b. Types of violations are listed and defined below. After consulting with the faculty member, the AIC Administrator will promptly notify the student of the charge in writing and will arrange to discuss the charge with the student at a preliminary meeting. Suspension is effective for not less than the session in which action is taken or for not more than one calendar year.
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