Until these issues are resolved, the ability to satisfy the country’s energy needs will be significantly challenged.” This was a necessary decision given the legal uncertainties facing the project, and we deeply regret that we were unable to complete this project. The funding companies, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy, have finally given up on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and fully cancelled its construction. That should be an easy decision to make.CleanTechnica is the #1 cleantech-focused news & analysis website in the US & the world, focusing primarily on electric cars, solar energy, wind energy, & energy storage.The content produced by this site is for entertainment purposes only. The ACP also threatened to disrupt the Let’s be honest. Good, Duke Energy chair, president, and chief executive officer, said: Specifically, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have canceled their Atlantic Coast Pipeline project, a natural gas pipeline that was to stretch hundreds of miles across West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina, citing “legal uncertainty.” (Reuters) — U.S. energy company Duke Energy Corp said Monday it took a $1.6-billion after-tax charge in the second quarter for the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast natural gas pipeline from West Virginia to North Carolina. The proposed natural gas pipeline would have run 600 miles, from West Virginia to North Carolina, crossing both the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Jobs and Risk: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Shutdown Divides W.Va. In the on-going fight against huge pipeline highways running through...Sign up if you're interested in receiving more information on climate change news and climate action.Any product recommendations on our site are ones that we truly believe in and support. And on Sunday, July 5, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy announced the cancelation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, citing “ ongoing delays and increasing cost uncertainty which threaten the economic viability of the project.” “This pipeline should have never been built here.
As Earth justice means eliminating fossil fuels entirely. The Southern Environmental Law Center, which represented several conservation groups the court challenges, issued a statement saying, “This is a victory for all the communities that were in the path of this risky and unnecessary project.”But Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia, who is the ranking Democrat on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in a statement, “The pipeline would have created good paying construction and manufacturing jobs for hard working West Virginians, reinvested in our energy markets increasing our domestic energy supply, and strengthened national security with reliable energy to key military installations.” In other words, the fate of the Earth should take second place to the needs for jobs and national security, as if the approaching climate catastrophe is not the greatest danger the United States will ever face.“Fearing severe environmental consequences, American Indian Tribes on nearby reservations have sought for several years to invalidate federal permits allowing the Dakota Access Pipeline to carry oil under the lake,” the judge wrote in his ruling. You have worked day and night, on weekends and on holidays to build a brighter economic and environmental future for our region. Even though gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and is considered to be the perfect bridge from dirty coal to clean renewables, it still produces carbon. Atlantic Coast was the most expensive U.S. gas pipeline under construction when Duke and partner Dominion Energy Inc exited the $8-billion project in July due to regulatory uncertainty following years of delays and billions of dollars Tags: Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, Earth justice, fossil fuels, social justice Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his homes in Florida and Connecticut or … Weeks before canceling the project, however, Dominion said it could finish the project in early 2022 only if it received new federal permits soon that would survive court challenges.In addition to regulatory delays, Atlantic Coast was also hurt by a short-term hit to gas demand from coronavirus and a longer-term hit from growing consumer interest in cleaner energy. “Today they finally achieved that goal — at least for the time being.” It is certain the owners of the pipeline will appeal the ruling to the full DC Court of Appeals and from there to the US Supreme Court, so the plaintiffs have won a battle in an ongoing war between Earth justice and fossil fuel companies.“Today is a historic day for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the many people who have supported us in the fight against the pipeline,” said Mike Faith, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, in a statement. Duke Energy on Monday reported a $1.6 billion charge related to abandoning the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. You represent the very best of our industry, and you should be proud of the role of you have played in this transformational project.Thomas F. Farrell, II, Dominion Energy chairman, president, and chief executive officer, and Lynn J. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we’re making significant progress.After years of protests and legal challenges, climate activists and indigenous communities have finally been dealt a victory.
Burning stuff releases carbon dioxide, which accelerates global heating. By. © 2019 Pipeline & Gas Journal, © 2019 Gulf Publishing Holdings LLC. 11 months ago. America has not seen such a resort to violence on behalf of corporate interests since “Between the Atlantic Coast Pipeline cancellation and now the ruling to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline — we are deeply troubled by these setbacks for US energy leadership,” said Mike Sommers, CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.
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