Belec Vario Lab - no limitations in terms of sample size and shape - universal use by additional sparking probe The Belec Compact Port HLC spectrometer offers a variety of application possibilities. BA Crawford Specialised Publications (Pty) Ltd | developed by marcellosabbioni ©2013. Belec Compact Port HLC - mobility - flexibility - easy handling - analysis of Nitrogen in Duplex steels - high accuracies C, P, S, B, Sn - quick mix-up checking more. Belec is a worldwide producer of optical emission spectrometers for metal analysis. What has only been able to be previously done on laboratory spectrometers, is now able to be done on Belec's latest portable spectrometer generation. Furthermore, only one person is needed for transport and operation of the equipment. A number of adapters allow the testing of most different sample types as wires, tubes or other small parts. The Belec Compact Port HLC is a portable hybrid spectrometer for metal analysis of carbon combined with the unique and flexibile 6GSO-System. Belec Spektrometrie Opto-Elektronik GmbH Hamburger Str. What has only be known from huge laboratory spectrometers, now comes true also in our latest portable spectrometer generation. Due to the ergonomically designed construction a comfortable operation of the equipment is granted. Belec compact port (portable) Compact Port HLC. The Belec Compact Port HLC is the World's only Portable Hybrid Spectrometer for Metal Analysis For perfect Analysis of Carbon combined with Best and Unique Flexibility and latest 6GSO-System. Trong hơn 30 năm, BELEC đã phát triển thành công máy quang phổ phát xạ (Arc-Spark-OES) ứng dụng trong đo lường nồng độ nguyên tố trong kim loại.
Belec Compact Port HLC Precizie mobilă pentru analiza metalelor 08.2016 / BCPHLC-RO / Pot apărea modificări / * opţional Documentarea simplificată Programul software Belec WIN 21 cu interfaţă de lucru adaptabilă individual se dezvoltă prin și din practică : utilizare simplă datorită unei organizări clare. by the automotive industry. Mobilní spektrometr pro analýzu kovů. Posted on Monday September 3rd, … What has only been able to be previously done on laboratory spectrometers, is now able to be done on Belec’s latest portable spectrometer generation.Belec engineers have developed a unique solution – the hybrid-double-spectrometer inside the new Belec Compact Port HLC.
For each analysis assignment you have the most suitable equipment at your disposal. Flexibility, combined with best possible precision are now possible by using the latest digital detectors (CCD) that cover the entire spectral range for consequent line selection without compromises, plus high performing photomultipliers for selected elements like carbon that guarantee lowest detection limits and unattained performance.Together with a device for an argon bottle, storage for samples or grinder, the spectrometer turns into a mobile laboratory on an adequate trolley. Cung cấp khả năng phân tích Carbon hoàn hảo cùng với hệ thống 6GSO – mới nhất và linh hoạt nhất.Máy quang phổ Belec Compact Port HLC cung cấp nhiều khả năng ứng dụng.
First Name * Surname * Company * Address Postal Code * Phone E-Mail * I am interested in Belec Compact Port HLC Message confirmation message * privacy policy * By submitting you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy. Belec OPTRON - your optimal assistant to ensure your quality.A true multifunctional wonder: V ČR a SR je instalováno již přes 90 spektrometrů Belec Compact Port. Hơn nữa chỉ cần một người cho việc vận chuyển và sử dụng thiết bị.Mỗi loại đầu đo được thiết kế đặc biệt cho một mục đích sử dụng thích hợp. We Care About Your Quality . Belec lab 3000s Electronic weighting instruments - RADWAG. RADWAG Balances and Scales is a leading European manufacturer that offers a complete range of electronic weighting instruments and accessories. Your reliable partner for Quality Control combined with best and unique flexibility.The new class for metal analysis!
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