Text BHMCOVID to 888777 to receive alerts in English and BHMCOVID19 to 888777 en Espanol. The Birmingham Police Department is currently seeking individuals who are interested in becoming a community volunteer or community police academy participant. In addition, we also provide criminal background checks and notary services.Reports can be purchased in person or by mailing in a money order, certified check or company check made out to the City of Birmingham. However, at various unknown times, the state of Alabama’s network is down for maintenance or technical problems. If you are listed as the offender on the report you can’t receive a copy of the report. There were 3,146 reported burglaries, 8,838 reported thefts, 1,515 reported auto thefts, and 145 reported arsons. No personal checks will be accepted. We welcome all tips. Police records include arrest logs, investigation reports, and criminal records for individuals arrested, detained, and investigated by the Police.
A person can’t get a copy of an offence report if they are not listed as the reporting person or the victim on the report. There were also 1,114 reported robberies and 2,355 reported assaults. However, please be mindful that because some employees may be out of the office during this crisis, there may be a delay in addressing requests.Please continue to submit public records requests, and we will work to address them.The Office of Public Information works with all City of Birmingham Departments in order to process public records requests. Police Headquarters 1710 1st Avenue North Birmingham, AL 35203 (205) 254-1765 BPDSuggestions@birminghamal.gov BPDHiring@birminghamal.gov For two-sided documents (pages) of up to 8 inches by 14 inches, the charge to duplicate both sides shall be 75 cents ($0.75) per sheet of paper. Together we can make a difference! Reports can be purchased in person or by mailing in a money order, certified check or company check made out to the City of Birmingham. All paper copies will be produced in black and white only.
The City of Birmingham, founded on December 19th, 1871, is the largest municipal government in the State of Alabama. Applications may be filled out on line at Every tip is treated seriously. The offices for the Police Department Administration are located in room #101 at City Hall.
Do not pre-pay. When this happens, the Birmingham Department’s Records Unit has no access to vehicle accident reports until the E-CRASH network resumes functioning.We are still looking for many good men and women to join our team! The Records Division provides accident, incident, offense, and archived reports. Color copies will not be produced(b) For documents produced in electronic format there will be a charge of eight dollars ($8.00) per media unit (CD, Flash Drive and E-mail, etc.) Birmingham Police Records contain details on crimes, arrests, and criminal activities in Birmingham, Alabama. (d) Pre-payment is not accepted. Find additional updates at http://www.birminghamal.gov/coronavirus On March 16, 2020, Birmingham Mayor Randall L. Woodfin declared a state of emergency for the City of Birmingham as it relates to attempting to decrease the spread of the corona virus. The Birmingham Police Department has remote access for the retrieval of accident reports from the state’s on-line database. plus a charge of 10 cents ($0.10) per document (page) provided in the media unit. Also include a self-addressed stamped envelope or an email address to receive a copy of your report. The Records Division provides accident, incident, offense, and archived reports.
The records will not be released until full payment is received.Covering events and issues from every neighborhood in Birmingham, we take you inside the biggest happenings in your community.
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