So, if you provide the fish with proper tank conditions – clean water and good feed, it’ll be a delight for your eyes for quite a long time.Naturally, this Indian inhabitant requires warm water – within 22-26 C.Care crucially depends on the proper feed.
They are slightly specialised in regards to what tank mates to keep them with and diet, so research is important. Males are smaller with a dark line running down the length of their white belly (not along their sides like some articles say), which is an indication of the ventral crest which erects as part of the courtship behaviour of the fish.
Is quite easy, you just have to keep in mind that: 1. it’s better to keep them away from other fishes 2. they are predators 3. they require clean tank water and they pollute it very fast with feed leftovers 4. although the fish is small, it’s aggressive 5. the fish diet requires snails in it Is quite easy, you just have to keep in mind that:Is from Kerala state, India. This is the same Aquarium filters which have been highly recommended by customers in your area can be found To search for high quality aquarium heaters, click The C.travancoricus is known to inhabit 13 different rivers, in addition to several estuaries, across Kerala and southern Karnataka in the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. The Dwarf yellow puffer fish (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), also known as the pea pufferfish, dwarf Indian puffer or pygmy puffer is endemic to Southwest India.These pygmy puffer fish pack a tonne of personality and are a fun, unique freshwater fish to keep. Here it received its original name: Tetraodon travancoricus, which is currently considered to be a synonym. The fish has some area around its target (about 5cm in diameter) and the decision as for attacking the target is made within this area.In fact, all freshwater dwarf puffer have rather different behavior in different tanks. But, dwarf puffer can spawn every day, so if you want to have more eggs just keep several females in the tank.The breeding fishes may eat their eggs, so you should remove the eggs from the spawning tank by means of large pipette or hose.But you’ll barely see the eggs, so if you see the breeding like behavior of the fish and you see no eggs, use the hose and move it over the areas where the fishes seem to have spawned.It’s possible that together with the rubbish you’ll gather some hardly seen eggs.The juveniles hatch in a few days and for some period of time they feed at the account of their umbilical vesicle.
Start feed for juveniles is very small – Vinegar eels, infusorian.Some time later you may feed them with brine shrimp nauplii and in about a month with frozen feed and small snails.If you raising several generations at the same time you should sort the juveniles, since there may be cases of cannibalism. The chase ends somewhere in the moss where the couple stays for a while to lay eggs and milt.There are very few eggs – about 10 or less. The juveniles grow fast and in two month the fish may be about 1 cm long.Canister filters for freshwater and saltwater aquariums Is a very clever fish and its behavior often reminds other intelligent fishes – cichlids.Once you enter the room, the fishes start swimming near the tank glass trying to attract your attention. The best way to create a fortified diet for dwarf puffer is to feed it with small snails (Physa, If we speak about frozen one – favorite food is blood worm, daphnia and brine shrimps.
Again, one say that they successfully keep together with other fishes, the others complain about some nipped fins and the fishes being pressured.It’s possibly about each fish temper and tank conditions.In general, it’s recommended to keep dwarf puffer in a separate tank, since they are more active and this way no other fish gets hurt.Sometimes, this fish can be kept together with prawns, but keep in mind that despite the fish’s small mouth in the wild it feeds on different spineless species, so at least small prawns will be treated as feed.You may keep dwarf puffer in a small school of 5-6 species in a thickly planted tank with lots of covers. General: The Dwarf Puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) is from the brackish waters of Southern Asia. Also, females have more rounded body.Unlike lots of related species the dwarf puffer successfully breeds in a tank. The main thing is to avoid anything extreme, the fish will adapt to the rest.Even the information about dwarf spawning differs – in the references both hard and soft, acidic and alkali water is mentioned.All these show that fish has high adaptivity level. Light filtration is required, but if the water is renewed regularly you may not use the filter.The spawning tank should be thickly planted with lots of small leaved plants – cabomba, Limnophila aquatica or Javan moss. Normally, the Dwarf Puffer will reach a length of up to two inches. The male… It doesn’t matter what the sellers say, since in the real life the fish doesn’t eat flakes or granules.In the wild they feed on snails, small spineless species and insects. Sexing of juveniles is impossible because these fish "choose" their sex as they mature. This provides the perfect habitat for the copepods, water fleas, insects and their larvae which these pufferfish prey upon. Once one puffer begins male he excretes hormones to prevent the other puffers from becoming male. If converted to freshwater, Dwarf Puffer will likely have a shortened lifespan, and be less likely to reproduce. A tankvolume of 2-3 gallons per puffer is normally recommended.
Dwarf puffers may become a perfect addition to your collection of aquarium fishes. If your fish refuses to feed on frozen feed you can mix it with the live feed.
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