Not in the slightest. Also quite unsettling was Trump’s explicit mention of Barr and Rudy Giuliani in the same breath in his July 25 phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky, as individuals the Ukrainian president should speak with regarding the phony investigation that Ukraine was expected to publicly announce.Still more troubling has been Barr’s intrusion, apparently for political reasons, into the area of Justice Department action that most demands scrupulous integrity and strict separation from politics and other bias—invocation of the criminal sanction. In truth, the district court rejected Barr’s position on the guidelines entirely, finding that the career submission was “true to the record” and “in accordance with the law and DOJ policy.” Indeed, even the new prosecutor assigned to handle Stone’s sentencing could not and That is not the end of the problems with Barr’s actions. Imagine a drug dealer who had sold 15 kilos of heroin; you cannot re-create them as simply one kilo in order to achieve a lower sentence, any more than you could increase the amount to achieve a longer sentence. Why?Not because, as Barr suggests, they were vengeful or out of control.
Barr’s claim that the district court then vindicated him is provably false.
Back in February, Barr had withdrawn the submission of career professionals for a seven-to-nine-year sentence and instead sought a sentence of at most three to four years. Copyright 2020 Checks and Balances. Even if you put all the above aside, Barr had to admit in his congressional testimony that he could not recall intervening in any sentencing proceedings during his tenure as attorney general except those of two of the president’s friends. A jury had found Stone guilty of five counts of lying to Congress, one count of obstruction of justice, and one count of tampering with a witness by threatening him to change his testimony. And you cannot ignore or invent facts to achieve a desired result. Here is the meat of it: For many decades, Barr has had a vision of the president as possessing nearly unchecked powers. Among the most widely reported and disturbing events have been Barr’s statements that a judicially authorized FBI investigation amounted to “spying” on the Trump campaign, and his public rejection in December of the inspector general’s considered conclusion that the Russia probe was properly initiated and overseen in an unbiased manner. During Barr’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last week, Barr claimed the mantle of fairness and compassion, arguing that the career prosecutors were out of line in seeking a nine-year sentence for this first-time offender, who is a nonviolent criminal and 67 years old.
Two weeks later, a district judge sentenced Stone to 40 months of jail time, which Barr testified was a vindication in full.Sound reasonable? Copyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group.
It means that if you are personally connected to the president or have information that We want to hear what you think about this article.
Bush, supervised Barr when he led the department’s Office of Legal Counsel in 1989 and 1990. William Pelham Barr (born May 23, 1950) is an American attorney and the 77th and 85th United States Attorney General.Barr's second stint in the post began in February 2019 during the Donald Trump administration. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his Indeed, given our national faith and trust in a rule of law no one can subvert, it is not too strong to say that Bill Barr is un-American. All Rights Reserved.
Donald Ayer: Bill Barr’s unconstitutional campaign to reelect the president. As every junior prosecutor is taught, you cannot monkey with sentencing rules to achieve a desired result.
The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. As every experienced federal prosecutor would immediately understand, Barr’s position violates Department of Justice lawyers’ training, their obligations to the court, their duty under the U.S. sentencing guidelines, and the equal application of the law to all. Stone was one and Michael Flynn was the other, in whose case Barr similarly submitted a revised sentencing memorandum to lower the government’s sentencing position.So what does this all mean?
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