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0. A guard will stop you near its gate. Trader or Merchant They act as shops where you can buy the equipment you need. I shouldn't speak to them directly, don't want to tip them off.
I would have to hack into the system to do that.Eli is stuck in the Cleric's Hort. Level 1 – Talking to Vivian about working on mechs. You need Survival Pack x20.Nothing special inside, but if you will search to deep, Cleric will be hostile. This page was last edited on 20 April 2020, at 16:47. SpaceApe. Apart from that, Jax also needs meet some formal requirements and pay up … Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Level 3 – Fixing the Defective AI Module; Level 3 – Adding your name to the access list for the Archives in the Hort; Level 4 – Talking to Erich (I can fix the energy regulators for you); Level 6 – Talking to Vivian about working on mechs. I'm almost tempted to boost my guy up a little so I can use this weapon I really want to use. Map of Ignadon in Elex [The Hort] - Teleports, Traders and Trainers Elex Guide.
© 2018 SegmentNext. To help his plan he needs his old weapon back from Balder. He doesn't want to undergo suggestion and wants to escape with his friend Wolf.
He also needs Cleric armor as a disguise to get out of the camp undetected. Workbenches can be found in various locations such as in Goliet. The last one is a highly dangerous approach. The merchant Ferdinand might have an armor that fits Eli.Before you finish [Request for Help] you should go to Wolf (27) and take [Final Arrangements].
One of his men observed suspicious deliveries coming into the Hort from the south. Xander is also selling armor, potions and instructions on making jewelry. Besides a few traders and trainers, you can also find a lot of interesting quests. The guards are observing them and Writing a report on their movements. He wants to discover why they are being attracted to this area.Dietrich wants to find who is responsible for trading chems in the Hort. Crafting is an integral mechanic in ELEX, and in this Crafting Guide we will help you learn how to craft at the workbench, and also where you can find the required recipes and traders.You can use the workbenches to create and upgrade items. Since all of the following items are recipes or instructions, the word recipe is not mentioned.Can be found inside a house west of Company premises: Central Abessa teleporterCan be found near a small shack on top of a mountain north of Crater teleporterCan be found inside the building where Hunter and his gang of Outlaws are staying.Can be found inside the gas station south of the Converter in Tavar.Can be found inside Eva’s quarters at the Hort or on the desk behind Anna at the Hort.Can be found inside the farm taken over by Sardoz and his bandCan be found in the kitchen of the diner at Sandy PinesCan be found on a table inside the Converter in Edan or on top of some blue crates near the body of one of the dead Clerics at the Small CampThese recipes Can be found in the game’s world.
If I do tell Judicator Reinhold that Siegfried is guilty of dealing Elex, then Xander has promised to give me a reward.Vending Machine with food and water, you pay here with Old CoinsMartha wants better food supplies to improve the rations. it has a file size of 4.5Mb and offers 15 cheat options like Infinite item use, ... Easy Craft; Elex is currently available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One for a price of $49.99. The First cheat is a trainer file and comes from Mrantifun. In order to unpack this file after download, please enter the following password: For unpacking files we recommend using a free software - Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game.
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