Cambridgeshire - property price and local area information for commuter towns in Cambridgeshire with a train station. The 35-minute route has been crowned the most expensive commute outside of London and one of the most expensive in the country. Sign up to our newsletter for daily updates and breaking newsCambridge is a hotspot for thousands of commuters drawn to its thriving business economy.But with dozens of villages and towns surrounding Cambridge, deciding where to live can be a tricky process.Now blinds and shutter company, Thomas Sanderson, has conducted some research, offsetting the cost of renting within Cambridge against the cost of renting in a nearby town.It has also added in the cost of buying a season rail ticket to devise a list of the top ‘commuter hotspots’ where workers can save the most money.In Cambridge where the annual rent is £14,568 a year, it pays to commute in.Richard Petrie, a spokesman for Thomas Sanderson said: "Our research has unearthed some interesting figures in terms of the savings some people can make just by moving a few miles out of the city, so it’s easy to see why so many people put up with the hassle of a long commute and might even choose it over city centre living. It would be worth looking at Milton, Histon, Cottenham, Girton.Grizla, Stumpy – that’s the local knowledge I’m after! Abandon hope, all ye who enter! Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. We're renting central Cambridge (when we find a place! Wife has landed a job in Cambridge (Hurrah!
Ely [ELY] Cycle hire availability No Cycle parking Yes. Ended up having to send them back to Magura.JT Cycles in Ely is supposed to be the best place around; although not exactly local.reluctantwrinkly – what’s Cherry Hinton like as a place to live? There is a commuter rail line (Fitchburg Line) that goes directly into Cambridge (Porter Square), which might serve you better than going to … If you value what this story gives you, please consider supporting the Ely Standard.
The first map is for all modes of transport showing that the majority of people travel to Cambridge from an area with radius of approximately 20 miles. Someone has suggested the A10 corridor but the A10 is a pig of a road, if my husband leaves for work at the wrong time (after 7.10am) it can take over an hour to travel the 15 miles to Cambridge. Not many horrible places to live round here.Having said that… Traffic on the A14 is Satan’s idea of fun, so avoid that as your commute and you won’t do too bad.The topic ‘Moving to Cambridge area.’ is closed to new replies.Premier Partners for Singletrack issues & exclusive subscriber perksSingletrack Lockdown 2020 Old Van T-shirt - Womens Organic
"Unfortunately, it seems that with rent prices rising so rapidly in a lot of cities, there are also a lot of workers who actually don’t have any other choice – and this is where we think employers could be doing more to support those workers. I’ve been doing homework ðIf you fancy joining a group then CAMMTB have rides every Tuesday & Thursday starting from near the town centre. My BIL works for a uni as an accountant, but gets the long uni holidays. Travel by train from Ely to Cambridge in 15m.
I live about 6 miles from Ely, so about 12 to Cambridge. Veygo Magazine revealed the cost of driving to the city could chop your commuting fees by a considerable amount, making a saving of 53.69 per cent. Ely is lovely and has a train link to Cambridge. Waltham springs most readily to mind, as it's next door, has a commuter rail stop and is a nice town. Can be a bit flat but I like it, huge skies.Would agree that north of cambridge or along the guided bus route is preferable. l�U'�Y��+2ZF�+4��aD��2�˭Q`գ5��
�T�*w;"�8���1�����(�TǹA��I���K�� �������(Z\6�У����.�8=�]Z�h�a`Q�Y�� 2C} Waterbeach, Ely) or just to the south (Shelford)?If your wife’s not into cycling, you’d be looking at somewhere with a rail station – you don’t want to be driving into Cambridge during rush hour – horrendous and parking is a nightmare (unless her work has private spaces).I’ll add Histon and Impington onto the list of places to consider, although the train option is still looking like a good bet.The guided busway is now running fine although the bloody traffic lights add to my congestion!! Now, however, it has become an immensely popular alternative to the hothouse of Cambridge and new housing using old styles is springing up around the edges with price tags of £300,000 for four bedrooms. Delayed This service is delayed No report There is no report on the progress of this service yet Cancelled The service has been cancelled. Last I saw it looked like a new canal! Not as big as Cambridge, but most of what you need, plus on the railway to Cambridge. Is it a separate entity to the Currently I live in Delaware, USA, it’s “flat” but there is enough grade to make for some good riding.In the short term, it’s going to be all about saving pennies, until I can get a job (easier said than done these days…)I used to be an in-house graphic designer. � �f����`��&��$&$&¡3hVP4Z����v�B�R -�4`b�f��L���}��i�y�������gğ>"�P|챖c �Ͱ�q�$@�ANQ�i�jS����_1v1C�/ e� Q43&Y��^nh~F�����g3L�g\�C]*� �� ؈�5 �Ҕ�a��I��p#jj"��R��~t��~[�'�i���z���]���y���*�&"P\[L��r �����$��; ���#k/k?fi������1L�P���b�R�� <>
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