Aspirants some time getting confused with too many study materials and magazines.So, attend the quiz and analyze your score.Directions(1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces.Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (1),(2),(3),(4) and (5).Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.1.To avoid……………,there is a need for…………….planning of the project.2. Dear Students, We are providing new questions of “Permutations and Combinations Problems With Answers” so the aspirants can practice...
00:22 Here in, we are committed to providing excellence and our team working day and night to bring you the most precise and expected questions sets that may come in the exam.
Present continuous tense – Fill in the blanks quiz.
He is so ………….. in his approach that not a single point ever ………….. his attention.8.Generally,…………….. students …………….. those who are mediocre.9.
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Being very ………………. Dear Students, We are providing new questions of “English Grammar fill in the Blanks” so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. Dear Students, We are providing new questions of “Questions on Probability With Answers” so the aspirants can practice it on...
She didn’t Answers 1. Permutations and Combinations Problems With Answers
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He ………….. a wrong act because it was ……………… for him to do so due to circumstantial forces. for equipment but also its …………… for deciding priorities.3.
Educaplay is a contribution of ADR Formacion to the educational community Do you want to stay in the Top 10 of this activity? Verb to be – Fill in the blanks quiz.
Dear Students, We are providing new questions of “Error Spotting in English With Answers” so the aspirants can practice...
Learning Resources (Fill in the Blanks Game): Fill in the blanks (ingles - english - grammar) - Module 8 - Lesson 1 - Exercise 2 Answers There was hardly anything In the box.In spite of his carelessness, he scored good marks.Whoever gets the job will have Create your own free activity from our activity creator This grammar exercise tests your understanding of basic grammar rules.
You can learn English grammar here with fill in the blanks quizzes online and free. and …………… should not be tolerated in our country which boasts of ‘Ahimsa’ as its way of life.10. Fill in the blanks. Modal “can” – Fill in the blanks quiz. Fill in the blanks, is mostly appeared question in the competitive exams like SSC, UPSC, and many nationalized banks such as IBPS, RRB, SBI, Andhra Bank.This current page provides a Fill in the Blanks English Quiz.And this will be helpful for you to solve the tricky questions in competitive exams.This page gives you Fill in the blanks questions just like in main exams. A good management will decide not only the …………. 12 times made Fill in the Blank. Error Spotting in English With Answers
These questions are framed by our Educational experts after Researched your needs thoroughly. There are still no results for this activity. demand and supply do not ………….. the same relationship as the one that ………… between height and weight.6.If the system …………….. to yield the desired result,try to ………….. the whole procedure in the given sequence.7. Educators can create their own worksheets, can find exercises online or can even find an article or two and remove certain parts of certain sentences.
I did not meet him yesterday. Click the grammar subject you want and test yourself with very nice and interactive quizzes. You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Google Classroom for your account type.If you want to continue inserting activities in Google Classroom, purchase a You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Microsoft Teams for your account type.If you want to continue inserting activities in Microsoft Teams, purchase a ……………. ………….. appears to be small error in the beginning may turn out to be a ……………. This site uses cookies in order to enhance your user experience and customize contents.
Questions on Probability With Answers
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Simple present tense – Fill in the blanks quiz . in nature,he always uses his …………. in the long run.4. Perhaps the most practical and helpful way to practice English grammar is to see it in real life, and an easy way to do so is to use some fill-in-the-blank exercises. 2. English Grammar fill in the Blanks. © 2019 , All Rights Reserved.
Fill in the blanks.
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