First of all, as I said before, they have to show that they acted responsibly. But he has a really fun arc and a really cool journey that he goes through. Oh, there are critics that don't like the idea of rate payers paying into this fund at all. 3 p.m. Melvin goes through a few changes, uh, in this. Um, and on the East side and at, at, uh, Vista, Ramona on the, on the West side.Speaker 1: 03:22 Do we have any idea how this fire started?Speaker 2: 03:26 Uh, none at the point at this point. Reviews (760) 789-1448 Website. Yeah. Thank you. So I watched it and I fell in love with it. First of all, they say that it's, uh, improper, uh, to be able to take $2 and 50 cents a month from rate payers without having a evidentiary hearing.Speaker 2: 04:21 They did not have an evidentiary hearing on this. Well, if they have high, if the utilities have a higher borrowing costs and they pass that onto rate payers, that's number one. It was controversial, but the uh, the governor was supported it. Now under 10 54, the presumption is that they have acted responsibly and it's up to third party interveners or critics to prove that the, uh, utilities did not act responsibly. The blaze, dubbed the Sawday Fire… Cal Forestry & Fire 27330 Highway 78 Ramona CA 92065. It's, it's a pretty standard of a vegetation fire response. And a, um, uh, you know, if, if all things continue, the path that we're on right now, uh, we're hoping to declare the forward rate of spread stopped soon.Speaker 1: 03:03 Highway 78 was in a section of, it was closed for a while. There's these, we know that the winds are supposed to stick around. Um, and he gets thrown into a toxic VAT of goo by the town bullies and he turns into the toxic Avenger. Even if it's just a stage reading? Yes, that's another, it's a very complicated piece of legislation, but that's exactly under this new regime. Then there are a pair of femme centric musicals based on horror films offering a high body count as onstage Playhouse in Chula Vista stages. Get directions, reviews and information for Cal Forestry & Fire in Ramona, CA. And I think there's a, there's a, uh, a joy to watching actors switch between roles instantaneously.Speaker 2: 05:45 All right. Active Fire Data. Not only San Diego, from the region. A fast-moving wildfire Friday blackened nearly 100 open acres between Ramona … Yeah. How does the fund work? They can be extended or shortened, uh, you know, as the conditions change. The musical takes place on Saturday and Sunday in Carlsbad.KPBS Midday Edition is a daily talk show hosted by Maureen Cavanaugh and Jade Hindmon, keeping San Diegans in the know on everything from politics to the arts.Keep up with all the latest news, arts and culture, and TV highlights from KPBS.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Yes. So a J why do you guys at U village arts wanna be staging this?Speaker 3: 01:10 First of all, it's Halloween. Good to be back morning. But we do have Cal fire investigators that are at scene and that is absolutely their, their goal is to as quickly as possible to determine the origin and then the cause of the incident.Speaker 1: 03:36 Now this, yeah, the cost, this fire started very close to where the witch Creek fire started in 2007 that that might've my must've gotten a lot of people's attention.Speaker 2: 03:46 Yeah, absolutely.
Thank you so much. And that's because of the new safety requirements they have to, they have to uphold in order to actually have access to this. These data are used to make highly accurate perimeter maps for firefighters and other emergency personnel, but are generally updated only once every 12 hours. But, uh, the only road that I'm aware of that was closed was old Julian highway at highway 78. You're right, he goes through a lot of, in the show physical and you know, emotional changes. If a fire is ignited and it comes from or it's a, it's a, a, it's origination comes from a, uh, utility equipment and very important the, if the commission has determined that the utility has acted responsibly even though they had an ignition, then if that happens, then the utility can access that money, but there's a number of things they have to do in order to get there. Well, thank you all very much for coming in and talking about toxic Avenger. You know, we, we definitely keep track of our, of our history, um, in this County when it comes to, to fighting significant fires and the fires that impact us as, as a not only an agency, but as a community in San Diego County. Cal Fire responded to a fast-moving brush fire in Ramona that quickly burned 90 acres. Also, California regulators say that a rate-payer funded wildfire fund can move forward, and this weekend you can choose between seeing the San Diego Opera's "Aida" and New Village Art' "Toxic Avenger The Musical." Menu & Reservations Make Reservations .
It will continue to have that potential.Speaker 1: 01:39 Are there any injuries or structures burned?Speaker 1: 01:44 Uh, there were evacuations ordered though.Speaker 2: 01:47 Absolutely. And that gives them the presumption that they are acting responsibly. Let's check it out.
And, uh, it was, it was definitely all hands on deck for this incidentSpeaker 2: 02:42 Yeah, absolutely. We've got about 150 firefighters engaged right now, approximately 30 fire engines, um, of all the fixed wing and all the rotary wing aircraft that we can grab up from. Welcome to the program. Cal Fire responded to a fast-moving brush fire in Ramona that quickly burned 90 acres. The fund works this way. She has to focus on who he is inside. Thank you.Speaker 4: 05:54 New village arts concert reading of toxic Avenger. Toxi has the biggest heart of anyone in the whole show.
Thank you, Maureen.Speaker 1: 00:00 As we keep our eye on the fire conditions in San Diego, we're hoping for a normal weekend, even though it's the final weekend before Halloween, if it's a little bit of spookiness, you're after San Diego's theater scene has plenty to offer. And he came to me a few months ago and said, I really want to do toxic Avenger for Halloween. Uh, the fire did make some significant runs a fairly, in a very short amount of time. And talk a little bit about kind of the emotional points that these songs hit.
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