If you’re playing Stardew Valley , you may be curious about what to do with Fish Ponds, which are …
This is located just to the west of the Mountain Lake and open most days from 9am to 5pm by Robin.Select the 'Fish Pond' option from the construction menu and then select where you want it to be on your farm.Fish ponds take up a 5x5 space, so ensure that you've cleared that area for the pond.It will take three days for Robin to build the fish pond, so use this time to catch whatever fish you're planning on breeding.Now that you've built your fish pond, it's time to fill it with fish.You can place every fish, except for the Legendary Fish and clams, into a fish pond.
)Lava Eels will also produce Magma Geodes in the chum bucket, which can make you a healthy profit.You can take Magma Geodes to Clint the Blacksmith and have them opened for 25g each. The chance that a Fish Pond will produce an item starts with the equation The table below shows all possible Fish Pond products, along with the percent chance the item will appear, assuming the pond passes the check for producing Note that each percent chance is specified in an underlying data file, so the totals for each pond do not add up to 100%. While the fish overlaps it the catch meter will fill, while the fish is not inside the area it will decrease. If you want to build a fish pond on your farm in Stardew Valley, you must first collect 200 Stone, 5 Seaweed, 5 Green Algae and 5,000g. From doing this you can receive a variety of resources, including Iridium Ore, and geode minerals, which you can sell for a good amount of money.Below you'll find the various items that fish might require when it's time to increase the capacity of their pond, along with the population level required for these quests to appear.These quests will appear every one to four days, until you reach the max capacity for that specific fish pond.Only Coral and Sea Urchins are exempt from this and will simply reach max capacity, 10 for each, by themselves.As the population of fish in your pond grows, you'll steadily unlock a variety of produce that you can find in your chum bucket. After populating the pond, when the fish reproduce themselves to the pond's capacity, an exclamation point appears in the center of the pond, indicating you have a fish quest waiting. Fulfilling a quest raises the capacity of the pond, which can continue up to a maximum capacity of 10 fish. In Stardew Valley, Fish Ponds are used to keep and raise fish and beach forgeable.
This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited. The pond retains its capacity and still can accommodate only the type of fish that were harvested from it.
"Discuss your unrealistic expectations on Discord! (Roe price is half of the base price for a fish, then an additional 30g. The game code processes the chance for items from top to bottom as listed in the Note also that uncollected items in chum buckets do not persist.
Fish ponds are one of the new buildings you can add to your farm in Stardew Valley.They allow for tossing in any fish you catch with your fishing rod … Completing this quest will increase the capacity of the fish point, with the maximum capacity being 10 fish.The difficulty of this quest depends on how rare the fish you're breeding is. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. How to use the fish ponds and breed fish in Stardew Valley. This will reset your fish pond, but will also destroy any remaining fish living inside of it, so make sure you save them before choosing this option.The fish pond menu will also show you how many fish you currently have in the pond, which type of fish they are and allow you to change the appearance of the fish pond.To begin filling a fish pond, simply throw your chosen fish into the pond, or maybe two so they have a friend, and let them begin to reproduce.Once you've placed a fish within a pond, it will begin to reproduce until its reached the current capacity for that pond. If the catch meter fills completely the fish is caught, if it becomes completely empty the fish escapes.
This will allow you to start a 'Fish Quest' for a specific set of items. You can also fish more Lava Eels once they start breeding to populate other ponds.Just be careful when placing the two Mega Bombs for one of the Lava Eel capacity quests - you don't want to accidentally destroy part of your farm.Once you have two Lava Eels in a fish pond, they will start producing Roe. You can place the fish you catch from around the valley in these ponds and receive, not just more fish, but a variety of products, including Roe and even Magma Geodes.If you want to build a fish pond on your farm in Stardew Valley, you must first collect 200 Stone, 5 Seaweed, 5 Green Algae and 5,000g.Stone can be easily collected by breaking stones on your farm, in The Mines or in Skull Cavern.Seaweed can be found by fishing in the ocean during any season or in the tidal pools on The Beach. It's also a rare drop from the Green Slimes.Once you've collected all these resources and have raised the cash, it's time to head to the Carpenter's Shop. This also includes sea urchins and coral, which you can find on the beach.Each fish pond can only hold one type of fish and the only way to change which type of fish live in a pond is by selecting the 'Empty Pond' option from the fish pond menu. Note that Coral and Sea Urchinwill not make requests, their population will automatically increase at the rate indicated in the "Spawn Frequency" column.
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