In a preemptive strike, Drake conducted a raid on the Spanish city of Cadiz, destroying more than 30 ships and thousands of tons of supplies. Drake was considered a hero in England and a pirate in Spain for his raids.With the success of the Panama isthmus raid in 1577, After this major setback, Drake set sail again on 13 December aboard Drake's fleet suffered great attrition; he scuttled both On his voyage to interfere with Spanish treasure fleets, Drake had several quarrels with his co-commander Thomas Doughty and on 3 June 1578, accused him of witchcraft and charged him with And after this holy repast, they dined also at the same table together, as cheerfully, in sobriety, as ever in their lives they had done aforetime, each cheering up the other, and taking their leave, by drinking each to other, as if some journey only had been in hand.Drake had Thomas Doughty beheaded on 2 July 1578. The diary of the ship's chaplain, Francis Fletcher, and interviews with Drake's cousin, John Drake, are the chief sources on what we now know about his visit to California. This event was a catalyst for Drake's hatred of Spain and preceded the many battles he waged against the Spanish.It was during his fourth trans-Atlantic voyage, in 1572, that Drake is said to have climbed a tree on the Isthmus of Panama and first glimpsed the Pacific. 2009-02-25 14:30:17 2009-02-25 14:30:17. With the armada formation broken, the lumbering Spanish galleons were easy targets for the English ships, which could quickly move in to fire one or two well-aimed broadsides before scurrying off to safety. It was a time of empire building for England, which trailed the earlier explorations and colonial expansion of its chief rival, Spain. Twice named prime minister of Great Britain, he helped to defeat Nazi Germany in World War II.English explorer Martin Frobisher is best known for his attempts to discover a Northwest Passage and his voyages to Labrador and Frobisher Bay in Canada.Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Irish-born British explorer who was a principal figure of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.English admiral Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe from 1577-1580, helped defeat the Spanish Armada of 1588 and was the most renowned seaman of the Elizabethan era.© 2020 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. The two escaped on their respective ships while scores of their men were killed. He then turned southward, the While Drake spent only six weeks in this harbor, repairing and preparing the The diary of the ship's chaplain, Francis Fletcher, and interviews with Drake's cousin, John Drake, are the chief sources on what we now know about his visit to California. They attacked Portuguese towns and ships on the coast of West Africa and then sailed to the Drake's second voyage to the Americas and his second slaving voyage ended in the ill-fated 1568 In 1570, his reputation enabled him to proceed to the In 1572, he embarked on his first major independent enterprise. Edmund was a farmer on the estate of Lord Francis Russell, the second earl of Bedford.
Drake formed an alliance with the The most celebrated of Drake's adventures along the At this point, Drake rallied his men, buried the treasure on the beach, and built a raft to sail with two volunteers ten miles along the surf-lashed coast to where they had left the flagship. Then he laughed, pulled a necklace of Spanish gold from around his neck and said "Our voyage is made, lads!" 13 14 15. J.L., (Ed.) Sir Francis Drake, for whom San Francisco's iconic Sir Francis Drake hotel on Union Square is named, was one of the world's first frequent travelers. These acts were part of what prompted Spain’s Philip II to invade England. They came often to visit the small encampment Drake had built while he completed his repairs, and it is thought that Drake gifted them with Chinese porcelains.However, the plate did not withstand the tests of time or science. She also clandestinely assigned him the task of exploring the Northwestern coast of North America, seeking a Northwest passage. Sir Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake is best known for circumnavigating Earth (1577–80), preying on Spanish ships along the way.
A few weeks later (September 1578) Drake made it to the Pacific, but violent storms destroyed one of the three ships, the Despite popular lore, it seems unlikely that Drake reached Drake pushed onwards in his lone flagship, now renamed the Prior to Drake's voyage, the western coast of North America had only been partially explored in 1542 by On 5 June 1579, the ship briefly made first landfall at South Cove, Cape Arago, just south of Coos Bay, Oregon, and then sailed south while searching for a suitable harbour to repair his ailing ship.Drake left the Pacific coast, heading southwest to catch the winds that would carry his ship across the Pacific, and a few months later reached the The Queen declared that all written accounts of Drake's voyages were to become the Queen's secrets of the Realm, and Drake and the other participants of his voyages on the pain of death sworn to their secrecy; she intended to keep Drake's activities away from the eyes of rival Spain.
By 9 August 1573, he had returned to Plymouth. He reached the Port of St. Julian on the Argentinean coast in mid-1578 and overwintered there before rounding South America. Bronze plaque by Drake taking the surrender of Admiral Pedro de Valdés on the Spanish galleon In 1589, the year after defeating the Armada the English sent their own to attack Spain, Drake and Drake's seafaring career continued into his mid-fifties. The English fleet sailed out to meet them, relying upon long-range cannon fire to significantly damage the armada over the ensuing days. He planned an attack on the His first raid was late in July 1572. By 9 August 1573, he had returned to Plymouth. Drake had thus become the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world and the second person ever, The treasure Drake captured made him a wealthy man, and the Queen knighted him in 1581.
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