A rather broken low-level build for our good friend the social pillar. Sure a few feats (Luck and Great Weapon Master! Cast a Healing Spirit at 3rd level and get about 70 HPs of healing Talking about crazy… Tell your DM that the fey spirit you summon is a little Easter bunny that handsout little Easter eggs of healing.Go further, last longer, delve deeper into any dungeon, crypt, fortress, or Underdark cavern than ever before. Note the part about it having to be the recipient that has to move or begin its turn.
Healing spirit fills a crucial niche in fifth edition D&D’s design that no other spells cover: powerful in-combat healing.As a spell exclusive to the druid and ranger classes, it helps players who want to play a druid or ranger fill a crucial healing niche in parties without a cleric. A full party can easily take turns moving in and out of the spirit’s space in a six second round.
It only requires a bonus action to cast, and, with some clever positioning, can restore 1d6 hit points to every one of your allies each turn. In combat it’s a minor healing effect and the caster is wasting their concentration on a healing spell (almost always a waste) instead of an actually useful spell. If an entire party of adventurers clusters in a 5-foot cube for the spell’s full 1 minute duration (in a sort of heroic cuddle pile, perhaps?
You’re right about the use of Healing Spirit out of battle, though. Even in combat, the life cleric could heal a character for 52 hit points each round when they run through the healing spirit. This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn clack, or a leaking wineskin. Just a little bonus bit of info for how to use healing spirit out of combat. Here’s some elaboration on that answer.Some spells and other game features create an area of effect that does something when a creature enters that area for the first time on a turn or when a creature starts its turn in that area. (A gnome sitting on another gnome’s shoulders might be allowed to fit, but for the sake of balancing (game wise and literally) I would personally only allow something like that at the price of a couple of disadvantages.) Role-playing Games Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled
These may sound like silly inquiries to ask, but a good game designer (and I firmly believe that each one good Dungeon Masters must even be good game designers) should check out every spell, class feature, and racial trait from all angles. April 22, 2020 Virat. Posted by 4 hours ago. Healing Spirit 5th Edition (5e) in D&D Spells.
The spirit is the one doing the healing. If a 17th level life cleric/ 3 druid wanted to blow a 9th level slot on healing spirit they would heal 520 hit points/character over the 1 minute (10 round duration of the spell). Collectively, these deities formed the Triad, an alliance of lawful good deities that were stronger as a united force than individually. Yes, but I don’t consider it overpowered in the least. Oh, never-mind.
In other words, the spirit would be limited to a total pool of 10d6 per casting of the spell (with out of combat creativity maaaybe allowing up to four medium or smaller creatures inside the 5 ft cube at a time).Meh. Is it powerful? HP).If I as a DM was faced with a player trying to exploit this, my ruling would be as follows: the spell description states that you can give 1d6 of healing “whenever you or a creature you can see moves into the spirit’s space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there”. You call forth a nature spirit to assuage the wounded. It aligns with what Mike Mearls, Lead Designer for D&D, desires.
Out-of-Combat Healing. Assuming a six-player party, Prayer of Healing heals ~60 HP total, whereas Healing Spirit heals for 210! The ranks of Ilmater's closest allies included Tyr the Maimed God, god of justice, (who was his superior prior to the Spellplague) and Torm the True, god of loyalty and duty. Players rejoice, as they now have a way heal their characters without blowing half the Life Cleric’s spell slots on that healing.
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