About 3 hours later I started having heavy breathing. what is the justation period of the disease and what should I do?How soon can my kids be exposed to someone who may have the flu? Should I get treated fast? Emergency Medicine and Family Practice for over 26 yearsMedical Degree, Former Assistant Professor at School of Medicine at Yale UniversityMBBS, MS (General Surgery), Fellowship in Sports MedicineVastly experienced MD Physician with 19 years of experience.Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. ), or to establish a professional-client relationship. Paula Bronstein / Getty Images Will it do harm to a 6 wk.
Nov of 2007 I got a flu shot.Also had pneumonia shot & blood work. Also if you touch something that some of these tiny droplets have landed on and then touch your nose or mouth, you could also catch the flu. Most of the time, you will become contagious about 24 to 72 hours after contracting the influenza virus and remain that way for up to five days after the onset of symptoms. The flu typically lasts about five to seven days. Shutterstock As he describes it, he may have the flu (very proSituation: i have a friend who was going to visit with her baby. Shutterstock Although there are no or only minor symptoms at this point, the virus is contagious during this period. I opened the package Friday around 2:30p.m. That way, you'll be less likely to come in contact with the virus.Getting enough sleep is always important, but it's especially crucial to aim for eight hours of quality shut-eye each night when someone at home is sick.Stress — even when it's about the possibility of getting sick or the challenge of caring for a sick partner — can Stress can also impact your sleep, which is necessary for a strong immune response.Your immune response to a flu virus stems from a combination of the viruses you've caught in the past, the house you grew up in, and your genes. Shutterstock Also they were nauseous and throwing up the night before and I was wondering if that was part of the flu also. Medicine/OB/GYN Infectious Disease /STD/Sexual Health/ Orthopaedics/ Pediatrics/InternalGen. as of July 2007. How to keep yourself and others If you breathe them in or touch your mouth after touching a surface that has droplets on it, you could get the flu. My partner has not felt well for nearly two weeks and last Saturday he had some blood work and last night he received a call that he has this illnesyesterday i was in a meeting with someone who coughed today they have swine flu my question is if i am going to get swine flu what is the incubation period (i need to know how long to avoid my elderlyMy question is about the swine flu virus. Your best bet is to get some Theraflu or Tylenol Flu now to help lessen the symptoms, should you come down with it. I seriously don't know what my sisters situation would be today if you had not gone above and beyond just answering my questions. If you don't have regular access to a germ-free sink with warm water and soap, then alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be a good backup defense to keep your hands clean.Remember to wash your hands after touching the sick person's laundry, dishes, or devices. Days six through nine, the flu virus is in full force and immune system is at its weakest.I mean I was in close contact with someone with the flu, but they did not cough or sneeze in my direction, but they did laugh in my direction and I was wondering if that was a way of transmitting the germs. These droplets contain contagious flu particles that are easily transmitted to anyone who comes in contact with them. (my friends baby does not have signs yet, but is still What can I do to avoid getting the stomach flu, my son had it saturday am / daughter last night. surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.
But when you're drying those hands, don't use the same towel that the sick person in your house has been touching.You might even want to use more disposable paper towels than you normally would to avoid swapping germs. Her daughter who is 2 was throwing up today with a high fever and I'm terrified that I'm gonna get it.The best thing that you could do is to get yourself on some preventative medication now that can cut your risk of getting it. If you are that worried I would also suggest that you drink plenty of fluids to help flush your system and this can help to lessen the severity of the symptoms as well.
I also have been taken a generic pain releiever because I get a One month ago I had a first outbreak of herpes, two sores on genitals. The flu gets around in the little droplets that spray out when a person coughs or sneezes.
WoMy daughter had the FluMist last week.
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