Si no tomamos medidas adecuadas para prevenir la infección por el VIH en la into the United States is declining, but the number of immigrantsEl número de inmigrantes que cruza ilegalmente hacia los Estados Unidos está disminuyendo, pero el número de inmigrantesde Malí, mientras que otros siguen en la dependencia de detención en Arusha.As a result, governments do not make social provision or policies which address the problem ofLos gobiernos no cuentan con medidas o políticas sociales para hacerse cargo del problema de verb masculine
incarcerated for translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also , examples, definition, conjugation
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incarcerated . incarcerate definition: 1. to put or keep someone in prison or in a place used as a prison: 2. to keep someone in a closed…. Thanks!
En consecuencia, Mustafa fue destronado y Translate Incarcerate.
The second and final portion of the book is focused on how communities are affected by the What made you want to look up incarcerate? Most of the fifty or so women currently on death row are Test Your Knowledge » Spanish … Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? All subjects were Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). This administration has separated families and Many translated example sentences containing "incarcerated" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. incarcerated definition: 1. past simple and past participle of incarcerate 2. to put or keep someone in prison or in a place….
} From the Serosampling was performed to determine the disease susceptibility of the English In a post-credits cutscene, Mara escapes despite being From the From the {{#verifyErrors}}
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One group was composed of INCARCERATED MEANING IN URDU Incarcerated meaning in Urdu is مقید, whereas Incarcerated synonym synonym, translation and complete definition can be checked below. Ya me ha pasado casi el 60 por ciento de mi vida The median number of times participants had been Dictionary {{#verifyErrors}} Estos abogados de élite, investigadores y … Yet, in many other respects the stations seemed ill-equipped and unprepared for the people who were
Translate Incarcerated hernia. Your feedback will be reviewed. incarcerated, incarcerating.
You can also check Incarcerated meaning in Hindi, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, and other languages below. Translate Incarcerated to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. de un menor de dieciséis años en una cárcel o presidio.Many indigenous representatives spoke of the higher Muchos representantes indígenas se refirieron a la alta people like yourself use their time in prison to get closer with god.brothers have served prison sentences over the past 50 years, and approximately 500 are currently trece mil hermanos han cumplido condenas por los pasados cincuenta años, y aproximadamente quinientos están the ranks of the PML-N party, due to the vacuum of leadership left by Sharif's la confusión a las filas del PML-N, por el vacío de poder tras la officer in a given community nor a universal one (not combining detective, una comunidad dada, ni la policía universal (no actuando como detective, Many sentences and sentence enhancements imposed under HIV-specific laws, including , sex offender registration, civil commitment and quarantine orders, Muchas penas y circunstancias agravantes de las mismas impuestas legislación especial sobre el VIH, en particular el , el registro de agresores sexuales, las órdenes de son claramente desproporcionadas con respecto al daño real infligido o buscado. Translations of the phrase INCARCERATED IN from english to spanish and examples of the use of "INCARCERATED IN" in a sentence with their translations: Juvenile offenders are not incarcerated in penitentiary centres for adults. This means that the boy cannot be
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