Shipping and distribution require energy for transportation which again produces emissions. And at the rate we’re going, we’ve doomed Earth, too. And, so were some of the Seneca dead. Humans have already ruined one planet, and one goal of all good environmentalists should be to make sure that humans don’t leave the planet and ruin other planets and asteroids as well. And the only complaint from the rich is that their recreational beaches are under threat.In short, civilization has no plan for survival. action, just before I got involved with them. They thunder while proudly showing off the full power of their flow. The Kinzua Dam forms the Allegheny Reservoir, a few miles east of Warren, PA. Two days before the Fourth of July, I studied the dam and reservoir from a parking lot built on the southern edge of the dam.
Did they conserve and cut back on fish consumption? Human ingenuity is limitless, and we’ll even find a way to make something from nothing. I thoroughly hate all power boats & ships, jet skis being the worst of them because they are motorized recreation with no other benefit. The wind blew across the Allegheny Reservoir leaving a delicate wake. …
The dam was built in the midst of the Allegheny National Forest, thereby providing a variety of activities for the nature lover. But, it was not the same.Rivers choose to leap from waterfalls. Gold mines in South Africa are being abandoned, because the cost of extraction from 2 miles underground exceeds the value of gold. Tapping into ancient aquifers, the Saudis began growing wheat commercially in the 1960s, and became a major exporter. Your privacy will be protected. It doesn’t seem like the Earth and everything that lives on it has anywhere near that much time, but we should all make an effort to do what we can regardless.“When Alan Weisman was on his “The World Without Us” book tour (about a dozen years ago), he said that a global, 1-child-per-family policy would get us back to 1.6 billion (the population in 1900) in about 100 years.But Nature probably has something faster in mind. In Pennsylvania, the reservoir is completely surrounded by the Allegheny National Forest. Don’t you just love how Nature compensates for human stupidity?The worst case scenario, IMHO, is that in the frantic scramble for diminishing resources, someone will touch off a nuclear war. Eight years ago, I read that aquifers in 20 nations would begin running dry by this year, including those of the U.S., China, and India, the world’s three largest grain producers. It is located just east of Warren, Pennsylvania. And, that’s when the Ohio River’s answer came to me.People can party in the midst of this destruction, they can drive their jet skis over indigenous burial grounds, they can dance on pontoon boats floating over stolen land because so much truth, today, is submerged. Plus there’s the plunging male fertility rate in the developed world — which, if the decline continues, should make it just about impossible for people in the Global North to reproduce by 2100.
By the current projections, climate change, drained aquifers, and farmland destroyed by pesticides and other bad farming practices will probably cut out 3 billion or so people, and severely limit reproduction by the remainder. I asked the Ohio River how anyone could party in the midst of such destruction.Eventually the boats turned a corner formed by the hills and vanished. The reservation lost 10,000 acres of their land, amounting to nearly one-third of its territory. “We haven’t even touched the shale oil and tar sands yet, and there’s enough in Colorado and Alberta alone to last for 500 years.”Little did I know that the two resources most likely to bring industry to a halt were the two we use the most, and which appeared (to my child’s imagination) to be truly limitless: fresh water and sand.But then, human greed and industrial ambition appear limitless, too. And when growth inevitably stops due to lack of food, water, and industrial materials, poisoned seas, and uninhabitable lands, civilization will stop, and civilized human society will collapse. To this end, in 1953, Congress adopted House Concurrent Resolution 108, which called for dissolution of all Native Nations in New York, Florida, California and Texas as well as other nations it specifically named from other … The only interactions humans should have with the physical/natural world are to take what they need for basic necessities like food & water, and to enjoy the Earth’s beauty by looking but not touching.
A few construction facts about Warren’s Kinzua Dam: The Dam has a length of 1,877 feet, and is approximately 179 feet in height. If humans can’t and/or won’t live naturally here and in much smaller numbers, they don’t deserve to exist, and good riddance to them. Besides offering flood control, the dam is also a generator of hydroelectric power. Or so the apparent thinking (or lack of it) goes.Civilization’s second most used commodity is sand, with the current demand somewhere in the 12-15 billion tons per year range. Classic rock and pop country playlists clashed as parties raged on pontoon boats. He said that his goal is to lower human population to 2-3 billion (or maybe 1.6 billion, I can’t remember), and that everyone on Earth should have western European lifestyles. The list of harmful things that modern humans do is almost infinite. But once the newness wore off, the suicide rate would likely exceed the birth rate.No, we’re doomed to Earth. Singapore and China have raped the coastlines and riverbeds of Southeast Asia for sand, destroying fisheries and shorelines as they go.
In this rage, I heard her explain how I could put the anger I was feeling to good use. Well, I’m not. Population control and a lower standard of living are unthinkable. If you’re agreeable, email my dummy (generally unused) email account — Deep Green Resistance is a movement working to save the planet.
Instead of focusing on symptoms, we need to focus on the root causes of overpopulation and overconsumption, the latter including consuming things we should not be, like trees, fossil fuels, and farmed animals. The lake extends approximately 25 miles north, almost to Salamanca, New York. Behind me, motorcycles carrying humans on … The reservoir is a fun family place for fishing, boating, swimming and so much more. But seems the residents of Kinzua, …
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