Journal information Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness as a construct is discussed relative to concentration, awareness, insight, attitude, and awakening. Abbreviation: Mindfulness (N Y) ISSN: 1868-8527 (Print) 1868-8535 (Electronic) 1868-8527 (Linking) Impact Factor. A total of 609 undergraduate students, including 325 bilingual (Spanish-speaking) participants, from a Hispanic-majority institution completed the assessment battery and were included in the analyses. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents. paper, we ask whether mindfulness is relevant to therapeutic work with offenders in forensic mental health and criminal justice The therapist’s assessment of the patient’s motivation and her/his predictions if the patient would leave the group preterm and if the patient would finalize the program regularly were also related to attrition. In bivariate analyses, having participated in group therapies earlier strongly predicted if a person would complete sessions 1 to 3. KeywordsMindfulness–Buddhism–Psychology–Concentration–InsightI offer an overview of the rapidly growing field of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs). After the translation of MAAS into Turkish, a test battery including MAAS Turkish form, a demographic information form, General Health Questionnaire, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, White Bear Suppression Inventory, and MMPI Impulsivity Subscale was administered to participants. No impact factor infomation for this journal. Overall, these findings support the use of MBIs in organisational settings for the reduction of psychological distress. challenges are raised including teacher qualification and clarifying the “outer limits,” or minimum requirements, of what Employees’ potential confidentiality concerns about participating in a group-based workplace MBCT intervention may be alleviated by delivering MBCT in alternative formats that would maintain the employees’ anonymity. and multiple methods to capture the depth and breadth of mindfulness experience. leaders provide instruction in research and practice settings, and might mitigate attrition. A latent class model was used to evaluate the heterogeneity of respondents' preferences. are outlined, along with a brief history of the program and the original intentions of the founder, Jon Kabat-Zinn. This journal publishes peer-reviewed papers that examine the ... and the use of mindfulness across cultures. ability to mindfully describe experiences with words predicting healthier behaviors for females. In order to support patients in their decision about participation and to accommodate the program to psychiatric patients, an adapted version of MBCT was developed with nine instead of 8 weekly units, reduced duration of some exercises, and patients invited to make an active decision about continuing with the program or leaving the group after an introductory phase of the first three sessions. High citation rates can have a disproportionate effect on the mean number of citations per paper. One hundred participants from two samples were recruited for the study. KeywordsMindfulness-Emotion regulation-Mental health-Factor analysis-Structural equation modelingShauna L. Shapiro and Linda E. Carlson: The Art and Science of Mindfulness: Integrating Mindfulness into Psychology and the Helping ProfessionsMindfulness involves nonjudgmental awareness of one's present experience.
Participants (n = 269) were volunteers from a mid-sized Western For topics on particular articles, maintain the dialogue through the usual channels with your editor. Important gender Open Access options available Journal metrics 3.581 (2019) Impact factor 4.559 (2019) Five year impact factor 76 days Submission to first decision 254 days Submission to …
Mindfulness practice has been identified as beneficial for both individuals and couples in cancer care and may offer a useful approach for couple-based interventions to address self-identity and body image. The results indicated that the facets of overidentification and self-judgment (components of self-compassion) were most robustly predictive of changes in outcome variables, though mindfulness and emotion regulation also contributed. The Learning Store.
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