From here the story takes a sharp turn. We want the individuality, the equipment, the achievement of each in his own respective field.’Devidayal’s book, based on her interest in the subject and research on the life, time and music of the maestro, provides a wholesome account of the Vilayat Khan phenomenon. Photos courtesy family of Vilayat Khan The Great Gatsby of Indian sitar 6 min read. He recorded his first 78-RPM disc at the age of 8, and gave his last concert in 2004 at the age of 75.However, Enayat Khan died when Vilayat was only nine, so much of his education came from the rest of his family: his uncle, sitar and surbahar maestro When he died from lung cancer in 2004, Vilayat Khan had been recording for over 65 years and broadcasting on Vilayat composed and conducted the score for three feature films – Satyajit Ray's By his second marriage, Vilayat Khan had one son, Hidayat (b. He was clearly not an easy man to live with and all his jet-setting sophistication did not seem to have convinced him that women and men were equal. The time he arrives in Delhi is historically significantThe kindness of a whole lot of strangers, the generous vocalists in his mother’s clan in Saharanpur and his own manic drive for perfection bring Khan to the threshold of greatness. With no steady income or guidance from the family, not even from his father’s students (uniquely for a gharanedar musician, Inayat Khan broke ranks and “taught numerous non-hereditary musicians"), Vilayat was left under the tutelage and eagle eye of his stentorian mother, Basheeran Begum. Vilayat Khan’s first wife was a beautiful Hindu socialite from Calcutta, (late) Monisha Hazra. After the second marriage with Lisa, his son Hidayat was born. Devidayal returns to this image time and again, most touchingly when she writes about the last time he picks up the sitar, sitting facing the wall in a Calcutta flat, a frail old man in a vest and pajamas playing a Gaur Sarang befitting the afternoon.Restless to find a guru, Vilayat Khan runs away to Delhi at age 14.
With this incredible wellspring of material, you wonder why there are so few really good, readable books on our legends.Most biographies of classical musicians in the market are achingly boring or downright frustrating. No wonder Calcutta occupied a special place in his heart and he desired to be buried there.Devidayal has traced the evolution of Vilayat Khan—the handsome man and the awe-inspiring artiste—through his early days in Gowripur to Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Shimla, Dehradun, Princeton and other places in India, Europe and the US, visiting each location where he had spent years of his life and meeting his relatives, friends, and disciples, weaving a story that is both interesting and truthful. Bismillah was explaining the unique features of Vilayat Khan’s style that brings out from the cognoscenti the spontaneous applause as ‘aah, aah’ instead of the more common ‘wah, wah’. After the second marriage with Lisa, his son Hidayat was born. It’s never easy to persuade musicians to part with their precious cargo. Yet, instead of becoming an impediment, this chameleonic personality of one of India’s greatest musicians provides enchantment to her beautiful new book. Like “We grown-up people think that we appreciate music, but if we realized the sense that an infant has brought with it of appreciating sound and rhythm, we would never boast of knowing music. Abdul Karim Khan represented beauty. Consequently, Vilayat Khan elicited from his sitar sounds that people hadn’t heard before: melody that could simulate tragedy (refer to the background score of Satyajit Ray’s movie Jalsaghar, where Vilayat Khan was the music director), the shringar rasa (sample his short drut gat in Raga Gara, with Zakir Hussain on the tabla), pain and longing (he played thumris, kirtans and other folk or light classical compositions, cajoling his sitar to sing, and often sang along during live performances, as though to encourage his sitar to follow suit). His phenomenal rise as a star musician proceeded together with his flamboyant lifestyle, exemplified by his love for expensive cars, beautiful women, choicest drinks, friendship with the rich and influential.Khan was commissioned by Satyajit Ray to score the music for Jalsaghar (The Music Room, 1958) that won the Best Music award at the first Moscow Film Festival. His achievements will continue to inspire people like me. There is also copious material available on Khan’s extravagant lifestyle, immaculate appearance, the cars and the women.This book goes a long way in setting right that unfair skew about how we perceive the man. He now writes mostly on public affairs in national dailies. Also, one misses the story of Monisha Hazra, the first wife and mother of his three musician children, by all accounts a feisty woman who couldn’t cope with the demands of playing dutiful wife.This book inspires you to give Vilayat Khan’s music another hearing.
He inherited this obsession from his grandfather, known as the “four-candle man". That painful prodigious childhood, tyrannical gurus, difficult fathers, the mortification of poverty and disrespect, the battle for acceptance, spectacular debuts, the many follies and foibles, gharana squabbles, personal misadventures and so much more. I recall the moments when he would visit my house in Delhi and we would sit together for hours discussing music and other things. Required fields are marked But that does not seem to be Devidayal’s intention anyway. 147 likes. Inayat Khan was born in Baroda, India on July 5, 1882. 1960).
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