This is also what I expected because you find out he is writing this story as an essay. Especially closer to the end of the book, where you think you’re finally going to find out who Kevin’s killer is. I think he should have taken his own advice on occasion, and kept quiet.The shadow of Holden Caufield falls heavy (and possibly unfairly) across this debut novel, which features a similarly disaffected and obnoxious protagonist. The tale is a meandering, unfocused, impulsive, self-interrupting tale that really manages to feel like a quirky, gifted teenager is telling it. The November Criminals eBook: Sam Munson: Kindle Store. The dialogue does get run down near the end though, as I thought he might have been playing up the stoner talk because he felt he was ‘that’ type of person. Overall if the book had clearer direction from the get-go, the reader wouldn’t be let down and this novel could have been much more enjoyable. I've seen a I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a review but unfortunately will not be finishing the book because 52% of the way through, I still have no idea why I ought to care at all about any of it. In several examples Addison (the main character) actually tells us we don't want to hear something,I know I am in trouble with a book when I find myself counting how many pages I have left to read in order to cross the finish line. I had the Audible version, which was read by the author. Selling drugs to his classmates. The November Criminals is a book you either love or hate. Straight away, Addison sees an opportunity to tell his story so far to unburden himself. The realizations Addison makes at the end are not that grand... if he even makes any. Or it seems to. It could have been a great novel I believe, but there were a number of things holding it back. Munson is just "too cool for school" I had an intrinsic interest in this book -- I generally love books by first time writers and the author went to Wilson High School about the time my children attended. by Doubleday Your review has been submitted and will appear here shortly.Black lives, stories & voices matter – today & every dayHigh school senior Addison Schacht is taking the prompt for his college entry essay to the University of Chicago to heart: What are your best and worst qualities? There's plenty happening, but the way it's told meant I'm not engaged or interested. This is the essay question Addison Schacht has to answer to gain a place at his chosen university. Suddenly it's 5AM and I've finished the book, that's what! The November Criminals: A novel: Munson, Sam: Books. But it was readable.
Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. His classmate Kevin Broadus was shot. Salinger for giving antisocial misfits the license to mistake their narcissistic behaviors for literary, cultural gold then I'd avoid this book at all costs.So, I just found out I won a copy. I could see why some would be turned off by Addison’s character. The more he digs into his own past, the farther he stumbles into the middle of the murder investigation. This book, however, I purposely read before bed because it put me to sleep. A young boy Addison Schacht tells his story. The plot meanders and near the end I kept asking "so what?" Especially closer to the end of the book, where you think you’re finally going to find out who Kevin’s killer is. The main character, Addison, is so pretentious it's boring. Unvarnished and rude, erudite and obscure, by turns: The November Criminals challenges complicated things like grief tourism, racism, and the the benign neglect inherentClassical references, modern excesses, and the abuse of the word "like". I hate to write negative reviews but I'm struggling to find the positive and/or constructive bits right now. If we're forced to use free will, what meaning does freedom have?”“That's how life is: it provides these accidental answers. This book was not great. [return][return]The story itself isn't that great, either. I put this book down after reading a quarter of it and never picked it back up.I couldn’t even finish this. The book is written as the answer to an admissions essay question to the University of Chicago (although that's not clear until the very end), and is thus a nonstop barrage of Addison's first-person voice. Instead Sam Munson takesMediocre. Digger Zeleny was not his girlfriend, she doesn't want a boyfriend andWhat are your best and worst qualities? This just sucked.A current day Catcher in the Rye, and not in a good way. The ending was lackluster. You have to judge by results.”
Not good; terrible in fact. When presented with For a high school senior, Addison Schacht has a lot of preoccupations. A complete disappointment.Mediocre.
The narrative style is frustrating with a lot of irrelevant details, and the use of colloquialisms and the word 'like' might make the dialogue more realistic, but it also makes it harder to read. Are you kidding me!?! He begins to look back on his life so far and considers what getting into college, selling some pot to his classmates, his relationship with his best friend-not girlfriend-Digger, Virgil's Aeneid, and his growing obsession with the murder of a classmate, Kevin Broadus, all mean. The following ISBNs are associated with this title:Thank you. Here, the setting is Washington, D.C. in the fall of 1999, as teenage pot-dealer and Latin whiz Addison slogs his way through senior year of the Gifted and Talented program at his local high school (a very thinly veiled version of D.C.'s real Wilson High School). It did bother me a bit but I’m also impressed Munson was able to make that type of character work in a coming of age type novel. This seems to be a revenge novel and he gets his digs at his long ago high school teachers and DC in general.
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