Pure Heroine received generally positive reviews from critics; aggregating website Metacritic reports a normalized rating of 79, based on 28 reviews.
The timing of her voice in the chorus is more laid back than it was in the first verse, but there’s something a little off about the timing. TV I’m gonna have give that a strong “no”. Like her 2013 debut Pure Heroine, Melodrama is a work of sleek self-possession, packed with bursts of peculiar rhymes and production that confound expected song formulas.
Surviving Jeffrey Epstein Ella’s talents lie in her rich voice, but also in her songwriting abilities. The stripped down soundscapes created throughout the album’s 37 minute run-time (56 with the bonus tracks, I will touch briefly on the album’s length shortly) are the perfect match for Ella’s smoky vocal presence. This rich atmosphere can partly be attributed to the memorably somber songwriting. Ella gives off this vibe the entire album that she’s been writing and recording songs like this for decades, even though she was only 16 when this album was produced.
© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Lorde’s debut album is a unique experience.
To my knowledge, No Better and Swingin Party were the only two recorded simply for the extended edition). Love Club features pillow like beats and trance inducing backing vocals. I wanted to put it here because Lorde is very pretty)Pure Heroine is one of the most impressive debut albums of all time. Fast & Furious Crossroads The most obvious examples are in White Teeth Teens and No Better. The album is 37 minutes, and feels like just that, a 37 minute album. She has certain qualities, like the somewhat coarse texture of her voice and her unique pronunciation of words, that really give Pure Heroine this exotic, unusual flavor. She was signed to The album is built around Little's production, which incorporates deep bass, loops, and programmed beats.The album's opening track, "Tennis Court", addresses Lorde's new fameLorde wrote the lyrics to "Royals" in half an hour, and recorded the song within a week during a school break.The album's sixth song, "Team", is a hybrid alternative pop"Still Sane" is a spare ballad, with lyrics grappling with Lorde's "ambition and fears of how fame will affect her. Lorde clearly made an impression. Not only is she gifted with a unique voice, but she also comes off as just smart enough to pull off tracks here like Still Sane and A World Alone excellently; by that, I mean she sounds very believable throughout tracks like those. My favorite here may as well be the line from White Teeth Teens that I showcased above, but there are plenty of others that are simply genius.
On her debut album, 16 year-old New Zealand singer-songwriter … 5.0 out of 5 stars Biased for sure, but love the record. Each track here flows wonderfully into one another and creates a magically cohesive sound. I’ve touched on it quite a bit throughout this review, but having Ella’s defiantly characteristic voice against these deep, bassy sonic landscapes is simply electric. PS Vita I don’t want to call the atmosphere heard on Pure Heroine downtrodden, maybe dark would work a little bit better.
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