She swings around and cries that she won't even marry Higgins if he asks. THE NOTE TAKER [eagerly] Are you? >> Eightpence ain’t no object to me, Charlie. THE MOTHER. THE NOTE TAKER [turning on him genially] And how are all your people down at Selsey?
That’s the sort of thing I do for commercial millionaires. Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. endobj They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Charge! Oh do buy a flower off me, Captain. All the scenes occur in the same setting. A BYSTANDER [on the lady’s right] He won’t get no cab not until half-past eleven, missus, when they come back after dropping their theatre fares. Come and see me tomorrow. Year Published: 1916 Language: English Country of Origin: Ireland Source: Shaw, G. B. Quite understanding his mistrust, she shows him her handful of money]. Take this for tuppence. One can see this whole play as an intentional deconstruction of the genre of Romance, and of the myth of Pygmalion as well.SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby! The science of speech. >> endobj /Resources 1 0 R We are introduced to Clara and her mother. I’ve been to Charing Cross one way and nearly to Ludgate Circus the other; and they were all engaged. >> endobj
[All turn to the man who is taking notes]. THE FLOWER GIRL. Garn!
A sort of informer. Higgins is outraged but cannot help wondering at her character--he finds this defiance much more appealing than the submissiveness of the slippers-fetcher. THE NOTE TAKER [overbearing but good-humored] Oh, shut up, shut up. The note taker blows a piercing blast. THE FLOWER GIRL [with grandeur] Never you mind, young man. THE FLOWER GIRL [quite overwhelmed, and looking up at him in mingled wonder and deprecation without daring to raise her head] Ah—ah—ah—ow—ow—oo! etc.]. Frightening people like that! /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] You can’t have tried. THE BYSTANDER. He’s been gone twenty minutes. George Bernard Shaw was born in 1856, in Dublin.
I was brought up in Largelady Park, near Epsom. THE BYSTANDER. Catch you taking liberties with a gentleman! Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw | Plot Summary THE NOTE TAKER [with quick interest] What’s a copper’s nark? Higgins and Eliza are finally left alone while the rest go off to get ready.They proceed to quarrel. Steady on. THE MOTHER [advancing between her daughter and the note taker] How very curious! [Picking up a couple of florins] Aaah—ow—ooh! THE NOTE TAKER [explosively] Woman: cease this detestable boohooing instantly; or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship. [To the note taker] See here: what call have you to know about people what never offered to meddle with you? Your mother’s Epsom, unmistakeably.
THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER. What a devil of a name! As she is about to exit, Higgins tells her offhandedly to fetch him some gloves, ties, ham, and cheese while she is out. But the cab—[her mother is out of hearing]. Oh, thank you. I’ve nothing smaller than sixpence. No. THE FLOWER GIRL [still nursing her sense of injury] Ain’t no call to meddle with me, he ain’t. Cab whistles blowing frantically in all directions. This collection of children's literature is a part of the I can tell where you come from. She has a brown skirt with a coarse apron. Yes: tell HIM where he come from if you want to go fortune-telling. [He raises his hat solemnly; then throws a handful of money into the basket and follows Pickering]. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] SEVERAL BYSTANDERS [encouraged by this seeming point of law] Yes: where’s your warrant? What harm if she did? His father was a civil servant and his mother was a singer.
Angel Court, Drury Lane, round the corner of Micklejohn’s oil shop. You can keep the change. Who’s hurting you? You take us for dirt under your feet, don’t you? Did I say that out loud? You were born in Lisson Grove. It’s too tiresome. They’ll take away my character and drive me on the streets for speaking to gentlemen. x�uU�o�6�_��P�Ċ�R��lِa� While respectability can be learned, and is what Higgins has taught Eliza, self-respect is something far more authentic, and helps rather than hinders the growth of an independent spirit. It’s all right: he’s a gentleman: look at his boots.
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