EMBO molecular medicine 2016 OCT iPS cells generated from this workflow can ... STEMCELL TECHNOLOGIES INC.’S QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS CERTIFIED TO ISO 13485 MEDICAL DEVICE STANDARDS. 5:06 PRODUCTS ARE FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY AND NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL DIAGNOSTIC OR THERAPEUTIC USES UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. We find that, conserved across species, stem cells express a subset of genes previously classified as interferon (IFN) stimulated genes (ISGs) but that expression is intrinsic, as stem cells are refractory to interferon. We generated induced pluripotent stem cells from PKAN patients and showed that their derived neurons exhibited premature death, increased ROS production, mitochondrial dysfunctions-including impairment of mitochondrial iron-dependent biosynthesis-and major membrane excitability defects. Defined, xeno-free matrix that supports the growth and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells under serum-free, feeder-free conditions BMD mutations result in truncated semi-functional dystrophin isoforms. 3:35 Interestingly, oligodendrogenesis can be induced in both VFOs and DFOs after neuronal maturation. Cell 2018 JAN Our findings provide direct evidence that PANK2 malfunctioning is responsible for abnormal phenotypes in human neuronal cells and indicate CoA treatment as a possible therapeutic intervention.PRODUCTS ARE FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY AND NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL DIAGNOSTIC OR THERAPEUTIC USES UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED.
ReproTeSR™ is a xeno-free medium that supports rapid and efficient feeder-free reprogramming of blood-derived cells.
1.2 Catalog Number: 05922. Optimally-sized aggregates are generated following shaking/tapping of the cultureware.Poor quality human pluripotent stem cell cultures containing large proportions of differentiated cells can be rescued by passaging with ReLeSR™. 1.5 In Case of Emergency Call: 1-800-667-0322 _____ 2 Hazards Identification . Transduced cells were plated in ReproTeSR (STEMCELL Technologies) and isolated colonies were directly transferred to mTeSR1 (STEMCELL Technologies). %PDF-1.4 1:17 Using electrophysiology and calcium imaging, we demonstrate that NMDA receptors are present on neural progenitor cells and that human mutations in GRIN2B can impair calcium influx and membrane depolarization even in a presumed undifferentiated cell state, highlighting an important role for non-synaptic NMDA receptors. Fibroblasts (passage 4) were reprogrammed with average efficiencies of 0.10 ± 0.06% (hES cell medium) and 0.20 ± 0.07% (ReproTeSR™). He currently leads the Stem Cell group which is actively developing innovative products for culturing pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), reprogramming somatic cells to induced PSCs (iPSCs), and—more recently—developing reagents for culturing ground state or naïve PSCs. About . Explore these workflows to learn more about the other products we offer to support each research area. 1:45 cGMP, feeder-free maintenance medium for human ES and iPS cells Thus, our organoid models reveal human oligodendrogenesis with ventral and dorsal origins. Cell stem cell 2017 APR (n ≥ 6; Data shown are mean ± SD). STEMCELL Technologies develops cell culture media, cell separation systems, instruments and other reagents for use in life sciences research. Dermal fibroblasts from a BMD patient were electroporated with episomal plasmids containing reprogramming factors to create the induced pluripotent stem cell line: CCMi002BMD-A-9 that showed pluripotent markers, were karyotypically normal and capable of trilineage differentiation. We developed clonal models of GRIN2B deletion and loss-of-function mutations in a region coding for the glutamate binding domain in human cells and generated neurons from a patient harboring a missense mutation in the same domain. By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. ReproTeSR™ TeSR™ 4 STEMCELL Technologies Inc. HUMAN PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON QUALITY AT STEMCELL, REFER TO Internal Search Keywords: Repro TeSR|reprogram mTeSR|blood reprogram|RBC reprogram|E7|Essential 7|Essential 6|5920|5926|05920|05926Label for ReproTeSR™ Medium for Reprogramming (2-Component)Label for ReproTeSR™ Medium for Reprogramming (2-Component) Stock vials of iPSCs were harvested in mFreSR™ (Stemcell Technologies) and stored at -180 °C for future experiments. Note the presence of differentiated cells at the edge of the undifferentiated hPSC colony. PKAN is caused by mutations in PANK2, which encodes for the mitochondrial enzyme pantothenate kinase 2. 1.4 Manufacturer/Supplier: STEMCELL Technologies Inc. Suite 500-1618 Station Street . Scientists performing stem cell, immunology, cancer, regenerative medicine and cellular therapy research are … Reprogramming efficiency of fibroblasts with ReproRNA™ and ReproTeSR™ is comparable to that reported with Sendai virus. Representative images of iPS cell colonies were generated using ReproRNA™‑OKSGM and cultured in (A) standard hES cell medium on irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (iMEFs) or (B) ReproTeSR™ on Corning® Matrigel®.
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