Two questions to Judges to help me decide if I should continue to prepare Shield Other spells with my Cleric PCs.If my PC Cleric wishes to throw the spell Shield Other on a fellow party member Fighter, and arrange ahead of time to provide him with a Focus ring (non-magical), can that PC also wear and use two magical rings, say a ring of Protection and a ring of Featherfall, while wearing the Focus for the Shield Other spell?Yes, but not need you need to.
It's a neck item slot so they can wear it, and that neck item allows you to use it as a ring slot, so I don't see a problem with it. ...what I said is probably not allowed (definitely not allowed), but what Todd's saying probably is. When you suffer any damage, freely reveal to reduce it by 1.
and if the PC has a ring of Protection and a ring of Feather Fall, he will have to remove one to wear the focus for the Shield Other spell?By the way, for me, wearing a focus ring on a hand of glory does NOT count as wearing the ring.
Pleasant The target of the spell has to wear the focus ring on a finger.I don't care how many non-magical rings are being worn.
If a Not sure what Hand of Glory has to do with the subject at hand (heh) at all.
and not toe rings, or ear rings or nose rings or... ah, other rings?
Use the two rings, still in your spell component pouch, as the focus for the spell.had to be FINGER rings? involving a straight-laced GM and a player with 20 piercings, horn implants, etc. "One ring to rule them all...." Reskinning the focus to be something else, such as some custom paw band, ring on his tail, armband, bracelet, etc.
Can be bought from Issili in the House at the Edge of Time.
A Phluffy in chain shirt armor and a ring on his (insert whatever here)!
"Matching Orcish wedding rings, crafted to be worn in the nose..."(I've know some people to wear rings in the strangest places.... just saying...) This is effectively reskinning the focus, as I mentioned up in post #20.
I generally assume that when the rules say "wear" or "worn", it means "wear in the customary method".
Whenever she makes a An iron band, this simple ring generates a shield-sized (and shield-shaped) This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a By activating this simple silver ring, the wearer can benefit from This ring continually allows the wearer to leap about, providing a +This ring is usually of fine workmanship and wrought from heavy gold.
Until TPTB rule on it, expect YMMV.had to be FINGER rings? This is the basis for the ruling that I provided at the table; not that it doesn't have a ring slot, but that it doesn't have a finger for a specific component that is required. Only a rare few have charges—most magic rings are permanent and potent magic items. They impact for 12 points of damage and spread (as a Any creature struck by a shooting star takes full damage from impact plus full fire damage from the spread unless it makes a DC 13 The spark shower is a flying cloud of sizzling purple sparks that fan out from the ring for a distance of 20 feet in an arc 10 feet wide.
He gains a +4 morale bonus on all attack rolls against such creatures.
But what about rings or bracelets? But I do find myself hard pressed to agree with this particular ruling.
:PActually, there's a fairly new addition in the pathfinder society FAQ that says that animal companions can wear barding and neck items and that's it.Yes there is. Do you have a character who wears a non-magical belt in the headband slot? (The focus is used during creation of the scroll/wand and is not required to activate them)Also, it says "worn by you and the target" why can't that be past-tense? Just too many starvation issues in dungeon delving.The best I could think of was to change a Ring of Sustenance into a Collar of Sustenance. Pathfinder: Kingmaker War of the River Kings.
and not toe rings, or ear rings or nose rings or... ah, other rings? I've had many a game where I wanted to put a Ring of Sustenance on my cat, dog, familiar, animal companion, etc. On an ape it would likely be ok, though.
By RAW your AC can not have any item on it that isn't in one of those two slots mentioned.
the FAQ is about magical items. provide the AC with a Hand of Glory - which occupies the neck slot.
You got a vote of respect from me with the +1.
Can creatures wear Since it's not magical it doesnt take up the neck slot.I think since the Hand of Glory lets you use a magical ring, there's no issue also putting the non-magical ring on the Hand of Glory and getting the benefit (via shield other) as well.Guess I'll just have to start asking each time I play a cleric that might cast the spell (and tell that darn Gnome to quite wearing it in her NOSE!
If, at some point in the past, the animal was turned humanoid, and it put on the ring for a few seconds, then the ring has been worn by the companion. I agree. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks the vision.Using the ring is exhausting, causing the wearer 1 point of When the ring is rubbed (a standard action), the call goes out, and the djinni appears on the next round.can be activated and deactivated at will as a free action is looking for table variance at best.
Vision range is 20 feet, with the viewer seeing as if he were looking at something in normal light even if there is no illumination.
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