The use of the laptops, SmartBoards and Data Projectors has greatly enhanced the teaching of the Visual Literacy. It's about allowing them to develop their unique personalities whilst showing them that learning is fun!Our girls are taught in large, bright and interactive classrooms.Our girls are given the freedom to have fun, to play and most importantly to grow their friendships together.Inspired girls have the potential to change the world! The learners are encouraged to express themselves creatively whilst developing an individual style and voice.Oral work includes: dramatic presentations, media presentations, prepared and unprepared speeches, reading, debating, conversational skills and listening comprehensions. With two squash courts, an indoor hockey arena, netball courts, four badminton courts, a dedicated dance studio, an upstairs gymnastics area and ample space for a variety of additional indoor sporting disciplines, the popularity and practicality of our Sports Hall continues to grow.We are fortunate enough to offer our girls two excellent swimming pools.
St Mary‘s Soundscapes, as our Music Department is known, is a vibrant and energetic learning and practice space. That's why we are passionate about providing an inspiring and stimulating environment that allows your daughter to fully express herself.
Fostering an interest in current events of St Mary's Diocesan School for Girls, Pretoria.
It's about building her up to be the best she can be No third-party cookies are used by ADAM.
Physical Address: 30 St Marys Road, Kloof, 3640 Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa GPS Co-ordinates: 290 41' 50.83" S 300 50' 31.99" E Postal Address: P.O.
We correspond mainly via email, so please remember to submit your details on our contact page to ensure that you are on the St Mary's DSG database.
Click here [Videos ] Click here to view St Mary's DSG Vidoes. The Honourable Frederick Samuel Baines, Bishop of Natal, opened St Mary's DSG in Kloof on the 3 September 1919. Established by the nuns of the Order of St John the Divine, an Anglican Sisterhood, the school was initially named St Elizabeth's High School in honour of Elizabeth Field. From Grade 9 onwards they begin to study full-length films and become familiar with film techniques and terminology.The current visual literacy syllabus is composed of the following films: Grades 8-12 are issued with poetry packs which include copies of all the poems they will be analysing, poetry questions and notes on poetry terminology. Use the filter below to select which calendar you would like to subscribe to: A critical approach to the viewing of films is a life skill. Alhoewel ons reeds 111 jaar oud is, beoefen St. Mary's innoverende denke, wat van vooruitgang en 'n moderne benadering getuig. Click here to view St Mary's DSG Matric results. Use the filter below to select which calendar you would like to subscribe to: Your registration has been sent. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Learning Outcome 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND USAGEThe learner is able to use language structures and conventions appropriately and effectively.These skills are taught in an integrated manner with emphasis on the application of the skills and the development of insight and higher order cognitive processes.Language includes: comprehension and language techniques. They are exposed to film study at a very basic level and are introduced to basic film techniques. 3. Click here for a virtual tour of our campus [#StrongerTogether] [Junior Parents' Evening Bookings] ... Intranet Login. St Mary's DSG Kloof. Access the intranet now. The use of drama and multi-media is of huge benefit in this regard.
We aim to develop the girls confidence and communicative abilities.Visual literacy encompasses the study of a variety of films and visual media to enable learners to view with discrimination and to understand film technology and techniques. Your registration has been sent. Colleagues of HSHS St. Mary's Hospital can access benefits, the intranet, PeopleSoft, email and work orders from this page.
They are given a choice of four novels:This is dictated by the IEB syllabus which currently consists of :English is an important component of the entrance requirements for tertiary education. We are able to teach to their needs and strengths and provide the perfect platform for them to become tomorrow's leaders.Our Grade R girls are in the fortunate position to enjoy the advantage of the many facilities available at St Mary's.
Your registration has been sent. The emphasis on audio-visual media has been extended to include television, film study, radio and the use of the internet. It's an opportunity to reconnect and network with the inspiring St Mary's …
St Mary’s DSG Fees.
View up to date information on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from the Illinois Department of Public Health. These are all taught by the various Junior Primary specialist teachers in separate classrooms to the Grade R classroom block.At St Mary's, we'll open your little girl's eyes to a world of possibilities.We understand that every girl is special. A Christian School in the Anglican diocese with a vibrant ecumenical spirit.St Mary's girls don't just enjoy equal opportunities, they enjoy every opportunity.Our well-balanced curriculum is designed to motivate, challenge and engage our girls. It closed its doors in 1919 as St Elizabeth's and re-opened as St Mary's DSG. The girls are also exposed to various other forms of audio-visual material such as radio and television, advertising as well as propaganda techniques.
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