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Song information for Unchained Melody - The Drifters on AllMusic Various Artists
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50+ videos Play all Mix - Drifters - Unchained Melody - From the Movie Soundtrack of Ghost YouTube The Drifters - Kissin' In The Back Row Of The Movies • TopPop - …
Play full-length songs from Unchained Melody (From the Movie Soundtrack of Ghost) by The Drifters on your phone, computer and home audio system with Napster
North wrote the music as a theme for the little-known prison film Unchained (January 1955), hence the song title. It was covered by The Topsiders, Roy Hamilton, Jean Carson, Allan Bruce and other artists. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Unchained Melody - The Drifters on AllMusic Various Artists
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It has since become a standard and one of the most recorded songs of the 20th century, most notably by the Righteous Brothers. The Drifters are a long-lived We currently don't have any themes associated with this song.
The Drifters [US] released it on the album Save the Last Dance for Me in 1987. Get track
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