In this connection, ethnic cultural centres, presently numbering 180, are expected to make a significant contribution to the country’s spiritual revival.Efforts are under way to modernise the national system of education and research. Herewith, the Senate defines the goal and power of a commission.Commission completes its activity after completion of tasks, or by the decision of the Senate. The khanate of Bukhara became an emirate which existed until 1920. The land that is now Uzbekistan was once at the heart of the ancient Silk Road trade route connecting China with the Middle East and Rome. The government broadcaster operates the main national networks. Formed new scientific direction - relativist nucleus physics. Hoshimova, has a qualification of an engineer-economist, currently housewife.Over many years of fruitful work in government and administration, for enormous contribution to the development of the country, improvement of the welfare of people, Shavkat Mirziyoyev was awarded the Order “Mehnat Shuhrati” (Glory of Work) and “Fidokorona Khizmatlari Uchun” (For Selfless Service).Parliament (Oliy Majlis) of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists of two Chambers:Members of the Senate are elected in equal quantity - six persons from each territorial entity (Republic of Karakalpakstan, provinces and the City of Tashkent) by secret ballot at relevant Joint Sessions of deputies of Zhokarghy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, representative bodies of state authority of provinces, districts, cities and towns among their deputies. It led to the formation of the Kyzyl Kum and Kara Kum deserts.Numerous deposits of oil and gas have been discovered on the plains such as Gazli, Shakhpakhti, and others, of naturally formed salt in Borsakelmas, and materials used in construction elsewhere.Deposits of coal (Angren, Shargun, and Boysun), precious, non-ferrous and rare metals, fluorite, and construction materials go back to the early stage of orogenesis.A distinctive feature of Uzbekistan's natural conditions is that the country is located in a seismologic zone.
Eventually, a loose confederation of virtually independent petty states was established in the area.A like state, Kangyui, emerged in the 2nd century BC in Transoxiana which, according to Chinese sources, consisted of five domains, each coining its own money.Later in the 2nd century BC Han China familiarised itself with "the Western Land" (i.e. Holds a title of Academic Candidate (PhD) in Technical Sciences, and Associate Professor.Shavkat Mirziyoyev started his career in 1981 at the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture, wh ere he worked as a junior research fellow, senior lecturer, associate professor, and eventually Vice Rector for academic affairs.In 1990, he was elected deputy of the Supreme Council of the republic, and at the same time served as Chairman of the Credentials Committee.In 1992, Shavkat Mirziyoyev was appointed hokim (governor) of Mirzo Ulugbek district of Tashkent city. Syrdarya Province is divided into 9 administrative districts, with Gulistan as its administrative centre. "Lapar" is a dialogue-song. Upon the decision of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers other members of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan can be included into the Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers.In the event of necessity the Cabinet of the Ministers and its Presidium can call ad hoc sessions to consider urgent issues.The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan heads weekly meetings with participation of Deputies the Prime Minister, the Chief of the Information and Analytical Department, the Chief of the Office to consider issues on organization of execution of the President’s orders and current activity of the Government.Center of Hydrometeorology under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanMain Department on State Material Reserves under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanHigher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanState Center of Testing under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanGovernmental Communication Service of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanNational Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on UNESCONational Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on UNESCOState Grain Inspection under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanNational information and analytical Center on Drugs Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanState Control and Supervision Inspection over Technical Status and Work Safety of large and strategically important water constructions under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanUzbek State Inspection over Oil and Gas Consumption under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanUzbek Center of sertification of cotton fiber "Sifat" at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of UzbekistanIn Uzbekistan, Councils of people's deputies led by mayors are considered to be representative bodies of power in provinces, districts, and towns (except towns with their district-based administration, as well as districts within towns). Registration of religious organizations is carried out in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on “Regulation for state registration of the religious organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated 20 June 1998. Modern education will embody and promote the values of humanism, democracy, consistent and scientific secular teaching, national and international cultures, and the equality of all regardless of ethnicity or religion.After independence Uzbekistan selected a new path for economic development, which envisages de-ideologising the economy, a role for the state as the main engine of reform during the period of transition, socially orientated economic policies, and step-by-step market reforms.Uzbekistan became an independent player in foreign trade and joined the Economic Co-operation Organisation, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Black Sea Economic Co-operation, International Monetary Fund, International Labour Organisation, etc.Since independence, a total of 3,500 joint ventures have been opened in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan offers both deserts on the Aral Sea and fertile regions in the eastern Ferghana Valley. The mine produces about 2 million ounces of gold every year, and the pit covers an area of 2.17 miles by 1.55 miles and a depth of 1,837 feet. Uzbekistan is one of only two doubly landlocked countries in the world.
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