[ Djinn] Large elemental, chaotic good. Djinn (singular: djinni, pronounced: /ˈdʒɪnni/ JIN-nee or: /ˈdʒini/ JEE-nee) were creatures born from the Elemental Chaos. If you are freed from your prison somehow you may use the racial traits specific to your subrace but lose any and all effects of this variant. Once they were in tune with nature and neither good nor evil, but when unknown forces made them pick a side wars broke out and the djinn became a divided race. Water is a marid's native element, and the genie can manipulate water in virtually any way it desires. Yeah I'm probably not gonna get much between 'Warrior' and 'Hero' and between 'Caster' and 'Healer', but maybe I could just have that as a sort of fighting style thing? Water Jet. They would not forgive betrayal.
In that case you might want to take a look at the dndnext playtest sorcerer for ideas (if you haven’t already). Hence why doing it as a full system might be best, but it could also be really rewarding as an off the wall homebrew class in DnD too. Then use the piety/renown system to rate the bonding of the character to the specific element. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In the game you can find these little elemental spirits called Djinn who come into four flavor: Venus (Earth), Mars (Fire), Jupiter (Wind) and Mercury (Water) and they have a very interesting way of being used.
Seems like more trouble than it’s worth, and I’d honestly rather have djinn as sort of living spells that you could add to any D&D game rather than reinvent the whole 5e class system around Golden Sun‘s system. Most water genasi look as if they just finished bathing, with beads of moisture collecting on their skin and hair. They resemble humans but have unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray), and there is something odd about them. • 3/day each: Create Food and Water (can create wine instead of water), Tongues, Wind Walk • 1/day each: Conjure Elemental (air elemental only), Creation, Gaseous Form, Invisibility, Major Image, Plane Shift Actions Multiattack: The djinni makes three Scimitar attacks. The problem is, this gets fiddly and complex quickly.
Environment any (Plane of Water) Organization solitary, pair, company (3–6), or band (7–12) Treasure standard (masterwork trident, other gear) Marids are genies from the Plane of Water.
It is simply easier. This name generator will give you 10 random djinn names fit for the Magic: The Gathering universe.
We use Cookies to help personalize and improve Roll20. They normally left high-ranking people alone, for fear they might have ties to the Grand Caliph.While no genie liked being enslaved, djinn were the most tolerant of temporary servitude to mortals.
I personally would leave out the part where having different djinn equipped affects what spells you can cast. Although all genies wield great power, even the lowliest marid sees itself as clearly superior to the flighty djinn, the ground-hugging dao, and the fuming efreeti.
on first reading through your description of them I immediately thought Ioun stones, granting a stat boost but then activating them for a burst of elemental damage or what have you, then you would just have to work out rules for how they synch when you unleash the multiple djinn powerI personally would leave out the part where having different djinn equipped affects what spells you can cast. Hulking genies of the Elemental Plane of Fire, the efreeti are masters of flame, immune to fire and able to create it on a whim.
Only the noble djinn possessed the power of the wish. They could travel freely to the Elemental Chaos, as well as to the Djinn were wild but benevolent creatures as a whole.The djinn were ruled by the Great Caliph Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim, the Master of the Clouds and the Son of the Breezes.
He also seems to like being flashy, but is quick to admit his initial look is a ruse. Then use the piety/renown system to rate the bonding of the character to the specific element.
I wasn't gonna have the Djinn affect what they can cast, just give passive bonuses based on element (WIND would be based on speed and Dex saves, Water on Temp HP and Wis saves, Fire on damage and also Dex saves, Earth on being tougher and also on Wis saves), but I would give out some interesting 'unleash' spells based on archetype. JavaScript is disabled. I would build it in a similar manner to the warlock or the Mystic. Having aided the primordials in their ancient battle with the gods over control of Faerûn, most were imprisoned in common objects and scattered. Marids (pronounced: /mɑːˈrɪdz/ ma-RIDZ, sometimes pluralized as "marid") were powerful genies native to the Elemental Plane of Water. Most djinn were friendly toward mortals, but mischievous.
Some marids can go as far as manipulating ice.
Although djinn did not require food or drink to live, they enjoyed rich flavors, smells, and other sensations.
The Golden Sun summons are more like giant AOE than they are actual summons in the DnD sense, of course... but I guess a Caster Fire adept could trade some Djinns for a Flaming Sphere too.
The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human.
Traits Water Form: The elemental can enter a Hostile creature's space and stop there. Genies are large muscular and colorful skinned creatures that resemble humanoids only in vague shape. Check out new settings that allow you to zoom and scroll easily. A Gish and a Full caster who can both heal and cast magic.
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