does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). -��@F�3��d�F*&{b���ů����?���c�̥��/�v8��"�i�{��r�^F�dS�7�^b��p�h��t����
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The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities represents more than 550 municipal electric, gas, water and broadband utilities statewide, and maintains a marketing relationship with more than 185 associate member businesses. 0000000726 00000 n
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At the Drop Box located in the driveway to the west of City Hall – between City Hall and City Hall Plaza. In addition, the Finance Director is responsible for handling all the City of Webster City’s Accounts Receivable including preparation of, execution and monitoring of budgets; Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment Plans; Audit reports; and annual reporting related to Utilities and Finances.The Finance Director also oversees all matters regarding Utilities from setting up service, reading/setting meters, billing, receiving the payments, and rebates.Dodie was born and raised in Webster City and started her full-time career with the City in 1985 in the City Manager’s Office. The following services are available: View and pay Utility Billing accounts online. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Read On; ... Utility Payments. %PDF-1.2
Our office hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Thursday; 7:30 - … 0000001054 00000 n
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