You need to not only think with your brain but experience through the entirety of your body and mind.
Virtue becomes corrupted because of preference for renown. When accepting authority over others know also that you accept responsibility for their wellbeing. Therefore, we follow only the absolute, nameless, original Oneness of the universe, which is the essence of our life. But when the human mind became spoiled, the High Beings made only brief visits to Earth in an attempt to rescue mankind and subtly change the destiny of the world. The direction of human society, however, has changed radically from the pursuit of spirit to the pursuit of the material. There are many forms of energy in the universe. It became necessary for human beings to develop their intellect to compensate for the loss of ability to respond spontaneously to the environment.Humankind has within itself the divine essence from the Subtle Origin, but during the course of history its divinity has been covered over by many layers of mental creations, acquisitions, and confusion. The Integral Beings were the first manifestations of this original, creative energy. Main Texts.
Thus, most religions foster self-assertiveness, prejudice, development of ego, and hostility. This meaning, we are apart of the earth. It is a great path discovered by great humans with transformable beings. Our spirit also needs development. The freedom of all things and beings is prescribed exactly. We cannot exist without Tao.We reject all man-made names and religious concepts which were created for a second-rate mind. 5 Practices . Even though their example and teachings have been scattered down through the ages, their tradition has not been entirely lost. Our path is not a new overnight invention, and also it is not a new mixture of all the old. They lived very long and abundant lives. Sons and daughters of tao must be above this and all things. It is Tao. It is still convenient to speak of Lao Zi as the author of the Tao Te Ching ("Book of the Way and Its Power"), the most important scripture of popular Taoist sects. To follow religious emotionalism is to form prejudice and nurture hostility.
Everything manifested and unmanifested is a spontaneous expression of the nature of the Subtle Origin; no intentional design is needed.The universe is an energy net of its own connectedness. If we indulge in our strong passions, emotions, desires, and ambitions, the influence of the energy net will be very strong. We follow this path with the purpose of achieving universal subtle integration, the great oneness expressed as Tao.4. This energy is the highest of all Heavens and is the originator of the harmonious order of the universe. Very naturally, they became the earliest, true ancestors of the human race. 3 Beliefs . It is made of no-thing, but from this nothing all existence comes into being. It takes long years, and depends entirely and only on how the person receives their spiritual education and works on himself or herself. The more the intellect is developed, the less spiritually effective mankind becomes, until people can no longer help themselves spiritually. ‘Wu Wei,’ or the way of noncontention, is our highest discipline.The guideline of a Taoist life is to keep a clear mind and have few desires.We enjoy the beauty, richness and nobility of life, and we practice the principles of right purpose, right method, and right timing according to the universal subtle law of energy response. The main belief in Taoism is the belief in Tao. 4.1 Religious Taoism . The loss of spiritual qualities such as patience and tolerance make people take a violent emotional path.
It is the natural order of all things based on the principal of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are believed to govern behavior and order of all things to some extent.They believe that the body corresponds with the plan of the universe.2 This means they believe that the fundamentals to understanding man involve the belief that the body’s organs correspond to direction, holy mountains, sections of the sky, the seasons and the elements.
The head embodies Heaven, or spirit; the middle part of the chest embodies Man, or mind; and the lower part of the trunk embodies Earth, or physical energy.
By obtaining all the characteristics, the path to becoming Tao and living simplistically is achieved with more ease.2 The Shangra-la Mission 2010, ‘Taoist Beliefs’, retrieved 16 March 2014, Anyone who engages in self-cultivation without seeing any of these positive results will not achieve Tao.Tao, as the initial spirit or the spirit of youth, is untouched and cannot be bent to any personal will or ambition.
Tao literally means "the path" or "The Way". We do not focus on worldly confusion, but direct our response to spiritual integration, the dissolving of our self.8. So there are endless calamities which are the side-product of the overly developed mind.Through transgression of the laws of nature, unfortunate events happen to people like waves in a stormy sea which make them more and more entangled in negativity. This stream of eternal spirit responds to the divine way of self-cultivation whereby one can refine one’s energy to become the same quality as that of the Heavenly Immortals.It is necessary to have the guidance of a Master’s energy which is truly responsive to the Integral Realm so that the Taoist sacred method of spiritual immortality may be passed to us, enabling us to refine ourselves, achieve the fullness of our true divine nature, and connect ourselves with the Integral Realm. These people never really see the error of using the wrong tools, and thus they stray far from the wholeness of life.What we call the spiritual path is really the common education of basic life. This is the essence of the universal nature. The abuse of intelligence also comes about through competition. Only those with the highest degree of sincerity and willingness to accept the responsibility for their own spiritual evolution can be received by this sacred tradition. However, spiritual aid will sometimes come in the form of kind and highly evolved persons or natural beings who stretch out helping hands. We exalt no particular images or doctrines, but keep to the eternal truth of oneness.7.
Many religious and social doctrines were created in an attempt to reestablish order and harmony in people’s lives. The energy net is the natural administrative system. A simple, plain and natural life is essential to spiritual completeness.
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