Vote now! Madison tells him she won't allow it and that Jane is a stage hog which Mason thinks is crazy. Moments later, New Directions are announced as the champions, making the whole glee club joyful. Naya Rivera Actress | Glee . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She is portrayed by actress and singer, Laura Dreyfuss. Billy Lewis Jr. is an NYC based singer/songwriter/actor. He is last seen in the auditorium with the rest of New Directions watching After Vocal Adrenaline's performance, Mason claps nervously. In Homecoming sieht man ihn während Problem.Danach fragt er, gemeinsam mit seiner Zwillingsschwester Madison McCarthy, ob man sich auch gemeinsam für den Glee Club bewerben darf.Madison und er werden von Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce und Quinn Fabray in den Chorraum gebracht, damit sie den New Directions beitreten können. Later on, during the party, he is seen juggling and dancing around during Mason is first seen during the wedding decoration, helping everyone else, looking confused with Brittany's demands.
He is later seen when the New Directions receive a special delivery from the Trans club, but when Will finds out they’re actually sent from Vocal Adrenaline, he alarms them, but Rachel’s box explodes and later all of them do the same, with Mason being the only one enjoying the now revealed to be confetti bombs, but later trying to escape through the window together with Madison after the piano explodes. Mason is later confused when Myron is trapped in the box, clapping when later, Roderick helps Myron to go down. He is portrayed by actor, songwriter, and musician, He acts very enthusiastic and admits how "pumped" he was that there is a glee club again, but Mason is first seen during the first glee club rehearsal, he seems confused as Rachel and Kurt can't really explain the musical assignment, but seems excited when Mason plays a minor role in this episode, he is seen excited together with Madison when Rachel tells the glee club that only the four of them are going to perform in the Invitationals, claiming to have more time in the stage for themselves. Jane, having seen the whole thing, tells Mason that it would be best for everyone if she just partnered up with Roderick and leaves Mason looking upset. Not giving up, Mason, once again, tries to flirt with Jane, asking her out, but he is quickly turned down when Jane questions him about whether Madison will be there or not, he says he will not tell her as Jane accepts to pair up with him for the assignment, they both share a few glances before Jane leaves. After his plan fails, Mason goes up to Jane and asks her if she wants to go on a date with him and if she wants to be his partner for the Bar Mitzvah which Jane replies asking if Madison will be there. He tells her that its not her choice and Madison overacts and ends up embarrassing him. He is later seen performing in the Invitationals and having a solo part in Mason, once again, plays a very minor role in this episode; He is seen at the different glee club meetings throughout the episode; in one of them, he looks excited when Mason is first seen at the Glee Club meeting, where Kurt reveals they're doing a Transitioning week for Rachel and they're throwing a party at her childhood home; Mason seems confused, same as his sister, asking if the musical week is for them or for Rachel. In the cafeteria Mason finds Madison and tells her that she is partnering up with Roderick while he is partnering with Jane. Madison McCarthy is a recurring character on the sixth season of Glee. Mason McCarthy è un personaggio secondario della serie televisiva Glee. Mason is later confused after Rachel reveales the whole New Directions are performing at Myron's Bar Mitzvah, and when Rachel announces the assignment to pair up, he tries to be with Jane, but before he can even reach her, Madison starts to blow him with several questions and things they will do for the assignment, he doesn't pay a lot of attention, as he tries to look for Jane. Last, when the lights go down, Mason's picture with everyone is seen in between the pictures of Finn and At the Bar Mitzvah, Mason performs The Incest Twins, Creepy Incest Twins (with Madison) (Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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