A loner, but a joiner.
English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries
with reference to its frontier lawlessnessa show or circus act presenting feats of horsemanship, shooting, etc.English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & ThesaurusExceptional invitation to a player to participate in a tourney without having to qualify for it.
as an area for navigating in a canoe as a sportthe western U.S. during its settlement, esp. I met him on a bleak winter day shoveling dog poop at the animal shelter where I volunteer. Said, "Her children, and her grandchildren, and her great, great, grandchildren will still have that wild stare." Be warned. Search wild stare and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.
Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. a Eurasian violaceous plant, Viola tricolor, having purple, yellow, and pale mauve spurred flowersany of various uncultivated umbelliferous plants that resemble parsleya strong-smelling umbelliferous plant, Pastinaca sativa, that has an inedible root: the ancestor of the cultivated parsnipany of numerous roses, such as the dogrose and sweetbrier, that grow wild and have flowers with only one whorl of petalsany of various perennial grasses of the N temperate genus Elymus, resembling cultivated rye in having paired bristly ears or spikes and flat leavesa fabric made from this, or from short fibres of silk designed to imitate itany of various subalpine perennials of the genus Aciphylla of New Zealand, with sharp leavesa soundtrack recorded other than with a synchronized picture, usually carrying sound effects, random dialogue, etc.the typical form of a species of organism resulting from breeding under natural conditionsturbulent water in a river, esp. The poor little guy was a little mixed up.
Jolly, but neurotic. Jolly, but neurotic. Suggest new translation/definition Found 0 sentences matching phrase "wild stare".Found in 1 ms. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) adjective confused, surprised, stunned, puzzled, uncertain, startled, baffled, at sea, awed, muddled, dizzy, dazed, perplexed, disconcerted, at a loss, mystified, taken aback, speechless, giddy, disorientated, bamboozled (informal), nonplussed, flummoxed, at sixes and sevens, thrown off balance, discombobulated (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.) Memphis was an odd bird.
Said, "See that wild stare in her eyes?" He said, "Look at this little calf here that's sold. Cats are territorial by nature and usually don’t take a liking to a rival cat moving in on their turf. B. tinctoria, which has yellow flowers and three-lobed leavesany of several uncultivated lettuce plants, such as Lactuca serriola (or L. scariola) of Eurasia and L. canadensis (horseweed) of North America, which grow as weeds and have yellow or blue flowers, milky juice in the stem, and prickly leaves: family Compositae (composites)another name for Astragalus glycyphyllos: see milk vetcha North American plant, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, that is related to true liquorice and has similar propertiesany of several temperate annual grasses of the genus Avena, esp. A loner, but a joiner. Wild stare at the dust bowls Time is a gift praying for the fog to lift Full joy for my trussed soul. Wild Stare Lyrics: Fakes names uncovered before the dawn / It is you, the skies are open / We grow (Grow up) and be the grown-ups / We deny, we deny to bring it …
Belligerent, but needy. in the phrase sow one's wild oats) Chuck sat quietly for hours staring into the distance, thinking of what … dissoluteness before settling down (esp. Belligerent, but needy. They'll never be a mother to their calves." They come from many sources and are not checked. You can complete the definition of wild stare given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... Eighteen months ago...Memphis was an odd bird. ?1682--1725, British criminal, who organized a network of thieves, highwaymen, etc., while also working as an informer: said to have sent over a hundred men to the gallows before being hanged himselfa wild pig, Sus scrofa, of parts of Europe and central Asia, having a pale grey to black coat, thin legs, a narrow body, and prominent tusksa player or team that has not qualified for a competition but is allowed to take part, at the organizers' discretion, after all the regular places have been takena symbol that can represent any character or group of characters, as in a filenamean umbelliferous plant, Daucus carota, of temperate regions, having clusters of white flowers and hooked fruitsa strongly scented umbelliferous plant, Apium graveolens, of temperate regions: the ancestor of cultivated celeryany flowering plant that grows in an uncultivated statethe.
Slang the indiscretions of youth, esp.
dissoluteness before settling down (esp.
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