But the desire to lead a free life does not die either in the grass or in the women. Just like grass being mowed down and grafted on to the earth as straws to be trampled upon, women’s freedom is also chopped off and is left to lead a life of submission. Question 2. Look at the following phrases that are associated with certain ideas. Explain the phrase unfurl underfoot to fulfil itself Ask for details ; Follow Report by Bgausiya 11.06.2019 Log in to add a comment In the same manner, a woman’s freedom is stifled by men and is not allowed to blossom. She is pensive and wistful that she can never enjoy her life without any fear. When she says ‘me’, she refers to the entire womenfolk. Explanation:Unfurl underfoot to fulfil itself’ This phrase is used in the poem ‘The Grass is Really Like Me’ written by Kishwar Naheed. At the smallest opportunity and under the least congenial conditions, earth brings forth life. She wrote gazals, for children and for the daily newspaper ‘Jang’. The grass is soaked by water, scorched by the sun and pushed down by the lawn mower, all trying to annihilate it. Read the poem silently and answer the following questions after discussing your response in pairs or in groups:C2. The poetess means that the defeated are suppressed just as the grass is cut and thrown down.The poet is trying to tell us that the defeat makes the way for the bigger or the stronger.
Students can Download English Poem 1 The Grass is Really Like Me Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, Activity, 1. ... ‘It has to unfurl underfoot to fulfil itself means it has to A) wilt down and die B) prove its existence C) get trodden by people D) dry up and become straw. In the case of the grass the lawn mower cuts down all the grass, but in the case of the poetess, the dominating society suppresses all her efforts to come up.When the grass is cut or grafted, it grows again. Learn the correct spelling of Fulfil vs. fulfill & other commonly misspelled words & phrases in the English language.
It does not raise its head. She is the founder of an organization named Hawwa (Eve) whose goal is to help women without an independent income, to become financially independent through cottage industries and selling handicrafts.It is a metaphorical poem in which the poet compares herself with grass which tries to unfurl from the ground and grow. Think of a few things which can be compared to a blade of grass:A1.
She founded an organization named ‘Hawwa’ (Eve) which helps women without independent income to become financially independent, through cottage industries and selling handicrafts. Answer: The grass opens out even if it is under the foot of someone; to do justice to its existence. Her desire to manifest life springs forth.A1. She is expressive only in hiding.In these lines, the poet compares herself with earth. So, the woman’s position in a male-dominated society is comparable to that of the grass.Similarly with the grass; it cannot grow freely. Read the poem silently and choose the words from the bubble that describe the mood of the poet. Her energy is used for creating life. In the woman who raises her head, the emotions are contrasting.
The moment it grows, the lawn mower is ready to flatten it, as do the people who trample over it. When someone walks on the grass or stamps it underfoot, the curled grass would spread to become straight on the ground. That is why even after repeated grafting, the grass grows. Learn more! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Explain the phrase, ‘unfurl underfoot to fulfill itself. She was bom in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, in the year 1940. The desire to manifest life cannot be curbed or killed.
In the same way, woman’s desire to express or unfurl cannot be suppressed. Even though the sense of shame is insufferable, her inability to retaliate keeps her silent. Read the poem silently and choose words from the bubble that describe the mood of the poet. The dominant society may curb it repeatedly but her desire will ‘raise the head’ again. Put the following lines in the table given below according to the figure of speech used in them:Explain the following with reference to the context: Read the poem silently and answer the following questions after discussing your response in pairs or in groups.C2. Discuss the answers for the following questions with your partner and then write them in your note book.Kishwar Naheed is one of the best known women poets of Pakistan. Answer: She also used to write for the daily newspaper, ‘Jang’.The poem ‘The Grass Is Really Like Me’ is a feministic poem.
Thus, the poet feels that there is no difference between a woman and a blade of grass.C1. Explain the phrase, “unfurl underfoot to fulfil itself’. Answer: By this phrase, the poet means the feeling getting formed in women to become independent. Explain the following with reference to the context: “It has to unfurl underfoot to fulfill itself’. Man, like the lawn mower which pulls down the grass, keeps pulling the woman down. There are many points of similarity between the grass and a woman. Match them with the corresponding ideas given in the box below.A3.
However, internally her heart yearns for equality.The phrase ‘scorching defeat’ refers to painful burning result of the courage shown by the women.
So, the grass, being soft and giving way, slowly opens out or unfurls under the trampling foot. Karnataka SSLC Model Question Papers; KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Maths Solutions It has to unfurl underfoot to fulfil; itself But what does it prove by getting soaked: A scorching sense of shame Or the heat of emotion. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled!
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