Soon her fellow tenants are dying in violent and mysterious ways and Paige's dreams are haunted by evil.
Through the board, Paige is contacted by a former tenant who claims to be a murder victim. Use the HTML below. Eight people are invited to their old high school for their ten-year reunion where a fellow former student, disfigured from a prank gone wrong, is out to seek revenge. Therefore, it’s best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.
A writer with a room for rent acquires a strange new roommate with a psychotic alter-ego that follows her wherever she goes.
Relive the funniest moments that happened before the opening credits of "Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? What hath she wrought—and can she get it back in the closet where it belongs.
Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. A beautiful young woman starts receiving messages through a ouija board, claiming to be from the former occupant of her apartment.
I didn't care much for Kevin S. Tenney's Witchboard: the script was weak, the acting was lousy (Tawny Kitaen, who played the central character, was more wooden than the Ouija board itself! A beautiful young woman starts receiving messages through a ouija board, claiming to be from the former occupant of her apartment. 7 of 10 people found this review helpful. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. clapboard •scratchboard •backboard, blackboard •gangboard • clapboard • dashboard •cardboard, hardboard •draughtboard… Harlow •aloe, callow, fallow, hallow, mallow, marshmallow, sallow, shallow, tallow •Pablo, tableau •cashflow • Anglo • matelot •Carlo, Harlow, Marlow…
An ambitious and unscrupulous usurper, he founded Byzantium's last dynasty.
This time it's the innocent Paige Benedict (Dolenz), who moves into an artist's loft and finds an old Ouija board in a closet.
However, this sequel, also by Tenney, is thankfully a lot better.Looking for some great streaming picks?
Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway ★★½ 1993 (R)There seem to be a lot of doorways to hell because someone is always finding a new one (and making a movie about it).
A doctor buys a Civil War era dilapidated mansion, and hires a few friends to fix it up, but the mansion hides a deadly secret.
), and the effects were cheap.
The former tenant claims she's been murdered, but there's no record of a murder or even her death. Be… Skip to main content A teenage girl begins receiving black magic power through an antique mirror that drips blood, not realizing the mirror is controlled by demonic forces. Was this review helpful to you?
Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Her sleuthing draws her to a local mortuary, where many secrets will be revealed. This time it's the innocent Paige Benedict (Dolenz), who moves into an artist's loft and finds an old Ouija board in a closet. A woman must battle for her loved one's soul when an ancient Ouija board opens a pathway to a demonic force
Through the board, Paige is contacted by a former tenant who claims to be a murder victim. When his girlfriend becomes dangerously obsessed with a ghost she contacted using a ouija board, Jim reluctantly joins forces with her ex - his own estranged childhood best friend - to identify and exorcise the evil spirit. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Four college students are stalked by an unknown assailant while staying on campus over the Christmas holidays to help clear out a dormitory which is to be demolished. A group of troubled teenagers are led by social workers on a California wilderness retreat, not knowing that the woods they are camping in have become infested by mutated, blood-sucking ticks. Writer / director Kevin Tenney's belated sequel to his breakthrough film stars Ami Dolenz ("Ticks") as Paige, a young accountant and aspiring artist who finds an old ouija board inside her new apartment. She uses it to come into contact with the spirit of a …
Convinced that her father's death was not accidental, a beautiful girl decides to investigate to find out the truth, aided by her boyfriend.
The former tenant claims she's been murdered, but there's ... backboard •scratchboard •backboard, blackboard •gangboard • clapboard • dashboard •cardboard, hardboard •draughtboard • bargeboard •dartboard •breadb… board / bôrd/ • n. 1. a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes: loose boards creaked as I… Michael •cackle, crackle, grackle, hackle, jackal, mackle, shackle, tackle •ankle, rankle •Gaskell, mascle, paschal •tabernacle • ramshackle •débâcle… Michael VIII (1224/1225-1282) was Byzantine emperor from 1259 to 1282. Parapsychologists try to make an inn haunted by an evil witch's ghost safe for guests. clapboard There seem to be a lot of doorways to hell because someone is always finding a new one (and making a movie about it).
Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates.
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