It is one of the most colorful of the puffer species, keeping its beautiful markings into adulthood. 15 gallons is sufficient for one puffer, with 10 gallons more for each additional puffer. Also, you should have enough space to swim, so a large aquarium will be the most recommended. Biocellatus actually means eyespot. Sponsors. Thanks!Yes they have them in freshwater. Embellish the tank with durable plants, and know that you may require to replace them from time to time.Since the beak of the figure 8 puffer can become overgrown, it is essential to consist of lots of hard-shelled foods in their diet to keep their teeth from overgrowing. If keeping multiple figure 8 puffers together, it would be best to start them out together as juveniles and let them grow up together. It mauled or killed every other animal it came into contact with, even though the puffer was tiny.
Gets me upset. Make sure to choose premium frozen foods.Even for experts, it is nearly impossible to sex figure 8 puffers. Like the closely related green puffer fish, the figure 8 exhibits euryhalinity, and undergoes epithelial remodeling and changes in the kidneys and gills when exposed to changes in salinity. It’s a protective mechanism — it’s more difficult to swallow a large fish than a little one.The figure 8 puffer comes from fresh waters and in brackish streams and estuaries of Southeast Asia, consisting of Borneo, the Malaysian peninsula, Sumatra, and Thailand. The longest-lived figure 8 puffer kept in brackish water was documented at more than 18 years old!After your new puffer is comfortable in your tank, you can raise the SG slowly (.001 to .002 per week), so you won’t disturb the biological filter bacteria in the tank you just cycled. Their expressive faces and propeller-like fins are charming. T°: 24 à 28°C or 75 to 82°F pH: 6.7 to 7.5 Hardness: 5 to 15°dGH. Have up to this point had no issues with anyone in the tank.
thanks much for the suggestions and help. will tolerate brackish.Try doing a little research on them.Vous avez encore des questions? Their expressive faces and propeller-like fins are lovely. Unfortunately, many puffers are kept in improper, overcrowded conditions and may possibly have bites and frayed fins and are in generally poor health. It's a defensive mechanismit's harder to swallow a large fish than a small one. You can quickly spot a well-fed puffer by its rounded stubborn belly. plenty of hiding and swimming places and the salinity is arou 1.008 and 1.010. You must use marine salt and measure it with a hydrometer or refractometer. The question of tank mates for the Figure 8 Puffer is open to debate. One is full grown at 3'' and one is a baby at 1/2''. Also, a longer tank will give them more swimming room than a tall tank. The name is derived from the markings on the back of the puffer that looks like a figure 8.Even when not surprised, figure 8 puffers have a roly-poly look. You sure can, I have two figure 8's living in a full marine tank. Dimorphism. Figure 8's are a low end brackish puffer-1.005 - 1.008 is generally good, here's a good site with basic care info on them:If you search around that site, there's an article somewhere, think it's about a green spotted puffers, but she talks about how much to increase the salinity each week.I wouldn't mix GSPs with them cause GSPs do better with a higher SG...they can even be acclimated to full saltwater as adults.Plus, I'm not a big fan of having more than one puffer in a tank...especially the brackish ones because of aggression and their territorial nature....puffs aren't schooling fish and don't need "company" - I think they do much better without it.You might want to rethink getting 2...unless you have a tank 60 gallons or larger. These puffers will only grow to about half the size of a GSP, thus they need only half the space. Others have reported the opposite, mentioning that salinity in the series of 1.005 to 1.008 will considerably extend the lifespan of the figure 8 puffer. Suggestions? Group. These teeth grow throughout the life of the fish and should be ground to keep them from being too long. Sexual dimorphism can only be seen from an older age . Very couple of individuals can withstand a pufferfish once they’ve seen them, and the small figure 8 puffer may be one you ‘d like to supply with a home in your freshwater fish tank. Many figure 8 puffers do not have an eight-shaped mark on their back. Pet figure 8 puffers are usually wild captured, which suggests it’s essential for them to be quarantined when they first arrive to be sure they do not pass along health problem to other fish.The Tetraodontidae are a family of primarily marine and estuarine fish of the order Tetraodontiformes.
Figure 8's are a low end brackish puffer-1.005 - 1.008 is generally good, here's a good site with basic care info on them: it is a fresh/barakish water organism. Definitely not a community fish. Most likely they'll have them in freshwater, so start with that then gradually increase the salinity.
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