While some areas will miss out on rain, a spot or two may be treated to downpours. KCBD is the South Plains' breaking news and severe weather forecasting leader for Lubbock, Levelland, Brownfield, Plainview, Tahoka, Post, Crosbyton and the surrounding communities. They love receiving mail.At maximum, typical rates vary from 50 to 75 meteors per hour. During a prolific year there may be 100 or more per hour!UPDATE: Lubbock Police say Mr. Ramirez has been found safe in Breckenridge, Texas.Hieu Tran Trung, a 45-year-old North Vietnamese refugee living in Lubbock, has been charged via criminal complaint with being a felon in possession of a firearmThe number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide topped 20 million, more than half of them from the United States, India and Brazil.Gaines County officials update the latest on COVID-19 in the county.Lubbock ISD is welcoming back students with special needs to a virtual or on-campus classroom.A 19-year-old young Amherst woman is collecting shoes to help others and also to help her obtain a service dog. State leaders have not said how they'll respond.Residents at Raider Ranch in Lubbock are looking for a pen pals. Wellman-Union Football team blessed by Lubbock Dental Group . Watch KCBD streaming online from Lubbock, Texas for the latest local new, weather and sports updates, traffic … According to Snyder ISD, these individuals have been quarantined and have not been on campus this week.The Census count will be cut short this year and end on Sept. 30, due to the Coronavirus. KCBD NewsChannel 11, Lubbock, Texas. The response rate this year was 59 percent, which is a little less compared to the last census in 2010.The City of Lubbock issues daily reports on COVID-19.
Titan is a 2-year-old pit who has been with LAS for about two weeks.50 new COVID cases reported in Lubbock, man arrested after dragging Littlefield police officer, Democrats spar after Trump orders COVID reliefA few spotty storms will return late today, which means just a slight chance of rain for most of the viewing area. Arrington will visit Coronado High School on Wednesday for a roundtable discussion and tour with Lubbock Independent School District stakeholders about their reopening plans.The Loop Longhorns football team is in quarantine: 12 players, two coaches and three trainers due to one player testing positive for COVID-19.The order could face legal challenges, and Texas might have to chip in a quarter of the cost. It's a pattern similar to yesterdays.Lubbock ISD is welcoming back students with special needs to a virtual or on-campus classroom.Terry County reported two new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, Aug. 11.A 19-year-old young Amherst woman is collecting shoes to help others and also to help her obtain a service dog. Get the latest information here.Jason M Haggard, 46, of Wolfforth has been indicted on a charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child.The vaccine is still in clinical trials and has not been approved by the FDA but is already being manufactured, so if it is approved, it can be rolled out quickly.On August 06 - 08, 2020, Texas DPS Special Agents, Texas DPS Highway Patrol Troopers, and South Plains Auto Theft Task Force Agents combated violent crimes in the Lubbock area by conducting a joint operation. Published August 5, 2020 at 7:36 AM . Later this morning I'll add rain totals to this story.
12K likes. Ceci Schroeder started the shoe drive.The Lea County Sheriff's Office is asking for public help to identify a man found dead east of Lovington, New Mexico.Get the latest COVID-19 information for Crosby County here.Bailey County provides an update on COVID-19 cases in the county.Hockley County provides an update on COVID-19 cases in the county.Many Dr Pepper fans have struggled to find the popular soda at grocery stores across the country, and the company says it is working on a solution.The Code Enforcement Department will conduct a neighborhood deployment in the Tech Terrace neighborhood on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Click here for more information. “We wanted to donate professional quality mouth guards to their team. As a result, 45 suspects were arrested and charged with various crimes.A Shallowater man has been indicted by a grand jury, charged with two counts of attempted sexual assault of a child, and three counts of aggravated assault of a child.A Shallowater man has been indicted by a grand jury, charged with two counts of attempted sexual assault of a child, and three counts of aggravated assault of a child.Todd Miller, 35, of Lubbock has been indicted by a Lubbock County grand jury on a charge of murder, arson causing death.Starting Tuesday, August 11, the City of Lubbock will begin repair work on 98th Street between Indiana Avenue and Memphis Avenue.
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Meet Lupe, KCBD’s Pet of the Day with Lubbock Animal Services. Coverage You Can Count On is the slogan of the channel. Slightly breezy southerly wind will become sustained between 10-20mph. …
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