We spoke with Never Summer at length about the Proto Synthesis. The Recluse Web Carbon Layup holds the integrity of the board's flex pattern over a long period and creates a powerful snap in and out of the turn.The world's best snowboard fiberglass, period. I felt really confident in the park on this board and appreciated the power of the larger camber sections, it’s really boosty when you need it.This is a natural progression of the Proto series, and the Proto Synthesis is a dynamic mixture of power and performance that’s nimble through the trees, floats through powder, and can still destroy the park. New shape. Any upcoming reviews on the Ultra and how it compares to Proto Synthesis. Words from Never Summer: “In primitive snowboards, camber became the … I took it through several mogul runs just to see how it sucked up all the negative energy when charging through a mogul line and it absorbs the bumps where you want it too and is still very nimble in these conditions as well. If you’re just getting started or unsure of exactly what you need, an all-mountain snowboard is a great choice.Camber/Rocker/Camber is a profile that’s specific to snowboards and which works because the rider’s weight flattens the two cambered areas. I also found the Proto Synthesis to be sound when I rode through chopped terrain. £589.95, Never Summer Proto Synthesis Rocker Camber Snowboard, 155cm 2021
They explained that it’s designed to be a … I could charge the Proto like I’ve never done before, essentially straight lining some runs at 50+ mph with no board chatter. Up until the Shaper Twin I’ve primarily ridden flat or very little cambered boards as those typically the most playful and allowed for the easiest buttering.
It’s soft, but I always feel comfortable ripping on her and based on my experience with the Proto Synthesis, I suspect I’ll love the Proto Slinger too.What was your impression of edge hold on hard snow / ice? The original Proto had a decent upgrade to the Proto Type Two, which gave it the asymmetrical … It’s not a *stiff* board, but slightly more than medium. This board will allow you to stomp landings with confidence. While the Funslinger and Proto both had their good place in the line, I think that this is a good replacement for park riders. DF Proto Synthesis has a 28+ waist. R U going to do a review on the ULTRA ?
With a lively build backed up by Never Summer s new Shockwave Rocker Camber profile, the Proto Synthesis is one of the bounciest all-mountain twins on the mountain. The Proto Slinger seems like it may be what I’d want, but with a Flex rating at 4 it is going to be too soft? But don't worry, the Expert staff, service, events, galleries, demos & more! I had my 2018 Funslinger at 56+mph this weekend too. Very interested in your feed back. The much loved Proto Type Two has gone the way of the dinosaurs. I expect it to be a little firmer than the Funslinger because of the Shockwave. Unfortunately not right away, we couldn’t get out on the Proto Ultra before things went sideways with this season, but it’s high on our list for early season testing this coming season.I use the actual 157x and with my 66 kg I love this freeride-twin I suspect that the Proto Synthesis lives somewhere between the old Proto Type Two and the Ripsaw in stiffness, but you’re right that there are some similarities between Proto Synthesis and Ripsaw; things like symmetry, slightly stiffer than Proto Type Two. If you’re interested in power, pop, and a board that will expand your mind on what an all mountain board can do, then read on.The Proto has been my board of choice in the Never Summer line for years.
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