Examples of Palaver in a sentence Although we were supposed to have a lecture, the teacher spent the entire period with palaver about his vacation. With all due respect, this palaver from the congressional representative is an example of the "red herrings", flawed reasoning and misguided focus prevalent within the entire debate about Health Insurance Reform. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'palaver.'
It's difficult to see palaver in a sentence . seemingly endless palaver He receives visitors to his compound in a large palaver hut outfitted with the trappings of candidacy: bodyguards, aides, cell phones that don't stop ringing. Hodgson, in a public palaver at Kumasi, announced that the Ashanti chiefs would have to pay the British government 4000 oz. "What does he mean by a 'palaver'?" The exhausted father became disturbed by the sound of the children’s nonstop palaver from the backseat of the car. Delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Palaver is unnecessary fuss and bother about the way something is done. palaver.
We palaver about how the country has been transformed. She learned how to make a dish called palaver from a recent Ghanian immigrant. Palaver definition is - a long parley usually between persons of different cultures or levels of sophistication. Men complain about women talking all the time, but they are also guilty of wasting time with palaver. I'm just trying to say that food can … Then we had to do it again cos it was a right palaver. While I would normally listen to my students’ palaver about their weekend plans, I could not spare the time since we had a huge test next week. Although we were supposed to have a lecture, the teacher spent the entire period with palaver about his vacation. Pilot Capit醤 Hugo 羘gel del Valle Palaver was killed.
And the whole Mr/Ms etc palaver is yet another bonus of having a PhD. How to use palaver in a sentence. When the students meet during period changes, there is much palaver as the young people try to avoid going to class. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Sentence with the word palaver. This contact prompted the English to borrow the Portuguese After the businessmen closed the big deal, they went to a bar and engaged in palaver about their golf games. Source. asked the honest Swiss sheriff. 10. While we waited for the plane to depart, the flight attendant tried to engage us in palaver so we would forget about the delay. If the board members had not engaged in so much palaver during the meeting, we might have gotten at least one resolution passed. I was late for work after my chatty grandmother held me up with palaver about past economic times. Honestly, I've never known such a palaver about nothing ". I let the salesclerk at the electronics store Too often the book gets bogged down in the same kind of narcissistic In 1962, French director and film critic François Truffaut requested The man became impatient in line as he listened to the woman’s palaver with the cashier. I was late for work after my chatty grandmother held me up with palaver about past economic times. Sentence Examples Hence its 80 years of more or less continual crisis, in which the current palaver is a relatively minor squall. During the 18th century, Portuguese and English sailors often met during trading trips along the West African coast. 12. Did You Know? All that travelling abroad and wedding palaver were just desperate, elaborate stunts to get new stories! Palaver sentence examples.
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